Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents



Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents


Acknowledges arrival of letter and postcard and notes that some letters have gone missing. Comments on some of the content of letters concerning censor and his allotment. Glad to get good news of his health and well being and understands the intense boredom of his life. Writes of other correspondence. Continues with news of activities, the weather, the garden and how much they like living in their new home.




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Two page handswritten letter


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191 Halifax Road
Nelson Lancs. England.
Sunday June 1st /41


My Dear Douglas

It was a great joy to us to have your letter dated 4/4/41. yesterday. Also one p.c. of the same date & one p.c. 28/3/41. It seems that several letters have failed to arrive as our last letter from you was dated Feb 12th. The April 4th letter mentions your pay of 2/- a week & after that the paper is cut clean away. but overleaf on top of the half sheet of paper you have acknowledged receipt of 4 letters & one of which told you of the revised allotment. Also enclosed in your letter to us was a small printed form with the words “The British examiner is not responsible for the mutilation of this letter.” Still we are thankful indeed to have good news of your health and well-being. & understand so well the intense boredom of idleness. I am pleased that E.H.J. has sent a regular correspondence. He sent a telegram to us on your birthday which touched us deeply. Of course I wrote immediately & told him I would let him know when we had further news from you. I fear he would not receive the p.c. as you

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say you sent one to us at the same time which has not arrived. but I will tell him about it when I write. [symbol] Today is Whitsunday & I know you will be thinking of us & of many happy holidays you have spent at Whitsuntide. It has been a lovely day & Dad has spent almost the whole day in the garden. We love living here. it is so quiet & pleasant & today the visibility has been marvellous & we could see the mountains 40 miles away. Now this evening Haze has blotted out our view & Dad thinks we may have rain. The old gentleman who lived here must have loved his garden. With very little trouble we have made it beautiful & you will easily imagine what joy we both get from it. Picture the garden at Kersal but instead of the houses opposite we have a pretty little [indecipherable word] [symbol] & a beautiful rockery straight in front of the back door. We do hope we can settle here for a time. Now love it is time to say Goodnight & God bless you. My prayers are for you always. I am eagerly awaiting a letter from your new abode & do hope you are alright there, as you were at Le Kef. All our love from
Mother & Dad

755052 Sgt. Chef Hudson
Hotel D’Oriente



P Hudson, “Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 23, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23244.

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