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  • Tags: faith

Number 172-29. Delighted to get two letters from her and thrilled to hear of birthday gift although he states he is not a virtuoso on the violin. Red cross violin has not arrived but German one has been repaired. Catches up with family friends news…

Number 162-19. Reports he is delighted by arrival of 12 letters, six from her, congratulates her on content and replies to her news. Mentions daughter, religion, family and wife's activities. Still no sign of clothing parcels and asks her to check…

Number 85-142. Writes of potential house purchase and problems ahead. Discusses financial matters and instruction sent about RAF pay through Red Cross. Discusses name for new house. Puzzled about watch she is wearing. Mentions his lack of religion…

Number 27. He explains that, due to lack of time, he has had to curtail some of his activities. He writes he has little time to exercise and that he has abandoned any form of religion. He mentions a number of family members and friends who have…

Number 23. No mail since last card. Is fit and has enough to eat. No exercise for two months but hopes to play soccer soon. Has had notification of books on their way but no sign of clothing food or tobacco parcels. Has joined newly opened Toc H…

Number 17. Lists letters that have arrived. Apologises for upsetting her about food but things are much better now if largely vegetarian. He appreciates her efforts to organise food parcels. He writes that he is coping well. Asks her to enquire if…

Number 16. Reports on letters that have arrived. Mentions money he left in his locker at the squadron and discusses finances and income tax. Thrilled with photographs Barbara sent. Writes about life in camp, room mates, his daily routine, Red Cross…

Thanks her for letter and cake. Says he is unhappy particularly over rainy weather and polishing boots. Writes of church parade and offending the padre with swearing. Continues with recounting visit to local ladies for afternoon tea. Continues…

Writes of his experiences at Receiving Centre. Includes account of journey back to centre. Says it was good to see her. Continues with description of activities and fellow trainees. Includes humorous account of being sorted by religion.

A written statement describing the christening of a child that took place in a family home in Warszawa. There had been a long delay as the Father had been away. The Godfather was Józef Piłsudski the Commander in chief of the Polish State. It is a…


Thanks them for letter and offering sympathy and hope for the future.

A monthly magazine produced by personnel of No 37 Service Flying Training School, Royal Air Force Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Contains message officer commanding and articles on retreat from Greece, religion and local area, a fighter pilot in combat,…

The letter to David Geach's parents expresses sadness that he is missing. The Chaplain offers his sympathy.

Bible with a page showing a message from His Majesty the King to all services and people engaged in defence of the Realm.

Announces he will be coming home next Friday and states arrival time. Also due further leave. Catches up with family and home news. Hopes they had good Easter, wished he was there. Notes that Eastbourne was crowded over the weekend, weather was good…

Service took place at Westminster Abbey on September 15th 1957, Order of Service annotated 'A party of S.N.C.O. aircrew lined the steps of the abbey'.


Writes of mail received and complains of time taken but will be worse when he gets to Scotland or California. Christmas approaching. Went to chapel and had good carol service. Catches up with home news. Speculates on future as aircrew and possible…

Bill writes of being very busy with night flying - although often they are almost ready to go before it is cancelled due to bad weather. His bike has arrived at Upper Heyford station but he has not had time to collect it.

Describes his crew in…

Bill catches up with family news. Mentions going home on recent 48 hour leave. Writes of course progress and compares current base with previous in Scotland. Despite being near three towns, has only get into Oxford once, although he was impressed by…

Bill catches up with news, referring to someone who he hoped would answer Bill's question about how difficult it was to get into the Pathfinder Force. Urgently asks his mother to send down his bicycle by train. Borrowed one the other day and would…

Catches up with news and apologises for not visiting while on leave.

Bill says he enjoyed his last leave, although he mentions that the nearby aerodrome is expanding and aircraft going overhead. He did, however, managed to get a trip in an…

Bill gives details of his expected travel arrangements for his seven-day leave at the end of the week. As he will be part-way through his final exams and has the medical on Saturday, he will leave soon after.

Mentions air raid warning but no…

Bill writes that he hasn’t received a letter from her for a while, but did get the one she sent on from a friend. He also writes that he is expecting to be posted to Eastbourne shortly with 120 others but this will mean he has to start work again.…

Begins with catching up with news from home. Mentions not much chance of leave but that he has had photograph taken of himself. Writes that Brighton is change from previous locations and describes activities. Went to see an ice hockey match between…
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