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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Samuel asks Arthur to attend the Confirmation of a fellow prisoner of war.

The letter asks about mail and hints at progress in the war. He asks after friends and family.

He asks for more mail from home. He is philosophical about his incarceration.

He writes that he has just had his Christmas dinner. He hopes he will be home by next Christmas.

The letter explains the circumstances of the night Charles was shot down. Charles jumped out first and Brian next. Brian landed on land but there was no sign of Charles.

The writer regrets that he has no news of her son. There is uncertainty where he bailed out. He promises to write to the pilot who is ill after repatriation.

She thanks her for her letter. She has heard from Teddy too. She asks about recovering his possessions from the RAF.

Judy has just heard that Ted is a prisoner of war. She tells her news from her new station.

In the letter Victor says he is well, food is good and he has a photo of Daphne to stop him being miserable.

Letter to David Donaldson from Frank (?) written after the war. Reminiscences of colleagues and an operation on Venice. Mentions RAF personnel Frank met while a POW in Germany. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

A letter and envelope to Dick Curnock from his mother. It is full of social news.

A letter to Dick from his mother wishing him a happy birthday, included is domestic news.

A letter to Dick Curnock from his mother with domestic news.

A letter to Dick from his friend, Ken asking him how he is and wishing him well.

The letter expresses happiness that Dick is safe. It is written by the squadron chaplain.

The letter acknowledges Dick Curnock's confinement address.

Writes she had had no letter from him since 24 June. Comments on how long war might go on. Wonders how he is and what weather is like. Writes that they were having a nice holiday in Cape Town and catches up with family news and talks about their…

Letter from Air Ministry confirming information had been received from the International Red Cross that his son, Pilot Officer Donald Baker was a prisoner of war. They do not have information on which camp he was in.

Informs him that they have heard from the red cross that his son was a prisoner of war.

Provides explanation for mistaken report that Donald had died. Source of mistake was a signal quoting Red Cross cable that he had died. When this was queried, Red Cross confirmed with German authorities that he was alive and well. Details subsequent…

Letter from people in Paignton that Donald visited when stationed in local area. Recounts that he payed a surprise visit and subsequently they received a card saying the he had 'arrived in Germany'. He had asked them to write which they intended to…

Philosophical letter from Roger about his pacifist views on life and offering advice. Includes and extract from Douglas Hudson's book 'Destined to fly again' explaining that he used to visit an English lady and her two conscientious objector sons…

From W A Clayton writes that he is in their thoughts and that has little news as does not get out much and is concerned about what writing about things they should not. Sends Christmas greetings and hopes he will get home soon. Hopes he is fit and…

From W A Clayton apologising for not writing and giving reasons. Hopes he is well and getting some enjoyment from life and that he will be home soon. Catches up with news about someone in the air force and other news of family and acquaintances.
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