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  • Tags: wireless operator

Seven aircrew all wearing tunics with brevet and side or peaked caps standing in line with trees in the background. Captioned from second man from left 'Ted W.Op, Art bomb aimer, Pat (DFM) skipper, Don engineer, Cliff navigator'.

Top left - newspaper cutting (London Gazette) with citation for Pilot Officer Baker and Warrant Officer Meek.
Top right - newspaper cutting - Lancaster lands on bomb door. Account of badly damage Lancaster with wounded crew returning from operation…

Seven airmen wearing a variety of flying kit standing in line in front of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster (registration ME584 squadron letter "Y"). Captioned 'Jimmie Hall wireless op Scot (marked with cross), Jack Meek observer Canada, Bill…

First page - photograph of seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet standing in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Lancaster - 138 Squadron, Alf Warren (3rd from the left) mid upper gunner'. Then follows a list of thirty-one operations between 2…

Combat report by Flying Officer V S Breckenridge. Relates first attack by fighter killed wireless operator and wounded rear and mid-upper gunners as well as damaging the aircraft. Second fighter attack caused more damage and the pilot and navigator…

Note listing 1st tour crew. 'Pat Finnerty DFM, Nav C Boyes, F/E Cowling, W/O T Bellamy, B/A H Jones, M/U T J Page DFM, RG WBB, "J" was KO-J DS626 a Lancaster II with Hercules engines'.

Three newspaper cuttings with a photograph of Jose plotting V-1 flying bombs.

A head and shoulders portrait of Jose in her WAAF uniform with a wireless operator badge.

A head and shoulders portrait of Jose in WAAF uniform.

Top left - looking up at an airman wearing flying helmet sitting in cockpit of a bomber. Captioned 'Me at the flight engineer's panel of a Halifax Mk V, November 1943, looking as though I know what I'm doing'.
Top right - seven aircrew wearing Mae…

Top - note that at the end of war, Ned Sparkes crewed up with other instructors at 85 OTU to convert to Lancaster and train for Tiger Force.
Left - wedding photograph a full length image of an airman wearing tunic with half brevet and holding peaked…

Four airmen wearing tunics with brevet, two with visible sergeants rank, all standing in a row leaning on a park railing with trees in the background. Three are smoking.

Titled 'No 11 course A Squad W.O/AGS commencing 3-11-40'. Ten airmen wearing tunics with half brevet and side caps sitting and standing in two rows. Names back row left to right 'Sgts Creedy D, Napier J K, Wright K, Banham D W, Flavell D'. Front row…

Top left - faces of ten airmen crowded together in a group. Captioned 'a little later'. Bottom left - full length image of an airman wearing tunic and side cap with foliage in the background. Captioned 'Brother Art'. Right - full length image of an…

Seven aircrew wearing flying clothing, lifejackets and parachute harness, carrying parachutes, all walking in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'F/O Halloran [O'Halloran] and crew, "Lucky Luxton flew with this crew on trip to Merseburg 4/4/45, all were…

Gives some details of the crash of a Whitley in which his son was the wireless operator and was killed. Note that court of enquiry was unable to allocate responsibility for the accident.

Gives personal details, enlistment dates, recommendation for training as aircrew and list of postings. Killed 24 September 1940.

Technical document with description of valves, circuits and operation of equipment.

37 airmen arranged in four rows in front of a hangar.
On the reverse ' "C" Flight RAF Station Greenwood Nova Scotia No 36 OTU Hudson III
Back Row Pilots RCAF
2nd Row Standing Observers RAF
3rd Row Seated Air Gunners RCAF
Front Row Kneeling…

Seven airmen all wearing battledress with brevet standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Pilot is third from the left. Submitted with caption 'crew 2' and information 'Crew 2 l to r: Len Stevens FE, Harry Wilson W/Op, dad, Bob Lillico RG, Harry…

Seven aircrew and two groundcrew, all wearing battledress and side caps, three squatting and six standing, all in front of a Lancaster. Pilot is third from left back row. Submitted with caption 'crew 3' and information 'Crew 3 as crew 2 but with…

Announces that he lost his life on an operational flight on August 9th. Gives some biographical and service details.

Seven airmen wearing tunics with brevet and side caps. Four sitting and three standing behind. Captioned 'Seated left to right, P/O F McLelland, F/O G Russell, F/L T.S. Blyth, P/O P Galan, Standing left to right, Sgt N Chappell, F/Sgt J Littlejohns,…

#1 is six airmen with three men named.
#2 is six airmen and all the men are named.
#3 is six airmen, all named with nationalities, two are noted as dead. Behind is a Stirling.
#4 is six airmen in front of a Stirling. They are named and their trade…

#1 is twelve airmen and soldiers at the entrance to a Horsa glider. Each man is named.
#2 is a mix of airmen and a soldier. Each man is named. They are sitting on a jeep.
#3 is seven airmen, annotated with their names. Behind is a Stirling.
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