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Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Wesel during an attack. The town is obscured by cloud and the bombers used Gee-H. There are tracks of a bomber going down in flames and exploding on contact with the ground. Photo 2 is a vertical aerial…

Photo 1, 2 and 3 are vertical aerial photographs of an attack on Bonn. No detail is visible on the ground. Searchlights and incendiary tracks are visible.
Photo 3 is slightly later and shows large fires gaining control. Cologne is at the top left of…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Homberg. Bombs can be seen exploding in the town at the early stages of the attack.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of Hohembudberg, Duisberg. It shows a night attack with incendiary bombs burning…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Bonn during an attack. Street patterns are clearly visible as are fires.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of Duisburg. The river is visible but much detail is obscured by cloud and smoke.

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Koblenz. The river can be seen and falling sticks of incendiaries.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of Homberg. The image is very clear with only a few explosions hiding the detail.

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Vohwinkel. The left side of the image is obscured by explosions but there is a great deal of detail visible elsewhere.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of an unidentified location. The image is very…

An oblique aerial photograph of a flooded landscape. The sea walls had been breached to stop the German Army using heavy gun batteries.

Photo 1 is a side view of a Lancaster flying above clouds.
Photo 2 and 3 are predicted anti-aircraft fire explosions.
Photo 4 is an oblique image of the Rhine.
Photo 5 is the port side of Lancaster VN-N viewed from slightly above and to the front.

An annotated vertical aerial photograph of naval facilities at Heligoland. U boat pens and a burnt out oil storage facility are marked.

Low level oblique aerial photograph of the Krupps Works, Essen. Most buildings show signs of damage.

Two oblique aerial photographs of Essen. Extensive bomb damage is visible in both images. Photograph one details indecipherable road networks. Photograph two is taken at a different angle and shows Krupps Works, Essen.

Low level oblique aerial photographs of Wesel. Extensive bomb damage is visible in both images.

Photograph one is a low level oblique aerial view of Hamburg. The urban industrial and residential areas have considerable visible bomb and fire damage.
Photograph two is a Brownie Box camera view of Hamburg.
Photograph three is a low level oblique…

Two low level oblique aerial photographs.
Photograph one shows the remains of an oil refinery at Kamen. Bomb damage is visible throughout.
Photograph two was taken during a Cook's tour. It shows the urban, manufacturing centre of Hanover with…

Photograph one is an oblique aerial photograph of Hamm, showing extensive damage and bomb craters throughout.
Photograph two is a vertical aerial photograph of Brest naval base and ports, with numbered annotation.

A confidential document. Three aerial photographs showing the development of a daylight bombing attack on Cologne. All images are taken at timed intervals during the attack, at the start, then after 2.5 and 6 minutes. The location is adjacent to the…

A vertical aerial photograph of Mainz. The
top right of the image shows the Rhine. The
bridge is Theodor-Heuss Brucke. The large
L shaped building to its left is Kurfurstliches
Schloss with various large government
buildings below it. The wide…

A vertical aerial photograph of Mainz Hoesch Benzin Synthetic Oil Plant, and Westfalenhutte steelworks located north-east of Dortmund city. The image shows cloud, craters, and extensive bomb damage amongst the predominately factory and other…

A vertical aerial photograph of the synthetic oil plant at Lutzkendorf, near Leipzig. The Geiseltalsee is the body of water at the top of the image. A railway line with sidings runs through the image from left to right. Possibly more sidings to top…

A vertical aerial photograph of Koblenz in early 1945 showing widespread damage to buildings with large areas completely destroyed. Bomb craters can be seen in several places. A railway marshalling yard is to centre left and the railway lines then…

A vertical aerial photograph of Mannheim. The left of the image is shrouded by clouds. The main river running left to right is the Neckar. The spur below it being the Bonadieshafen and the one above it the Verbindungskanal. The road bridge crossing…

A vertical aerial photograph of Berlin showing heavy bomb damage. The body of water is the Rummelsburger See, with the railway station of Ostkreuz to the left of it at the confluence of railway tracks running from lower left to top right and from…

A low level aerial oblique photograph of Hamburg showing extensive bomb damage.

A vertical aerial photograph of Frankfurt showing extensive damage. Frankfurt Haupt-Bahnhof is shown lower right, with the main lines running across to lower left corner. In the centre of the photograph is a large industrial plant with extensive…

A vertical aerial photograph showing the airfield, south-west of Deelen, Arnhem. Three runways in the “A” configuration are seen, with the two main runways forming the top of the “A” at lower right. Hangars and other airfield buildings are to…
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