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  • Tags: target photograph

A target photograph taken on an operation to the Bologna Main Marshalling Yards. Fields and roads are visible in most of the image. There is an area of glare at the left edge, which obscure some ground detail. The photograph is annotated 'A4' and…

A target photograph in an album, taken on an operation to Pesaro in Italy. Roads, fields and buildings are visible and in the centre, a flash of light. The photograph is annotated 'A6' and captioned: '731. FOG. 26/27 AUG. 44 // NT. 8" 9000' -→…

A target photograph taken during an operation to Pesaro, Italy. The clear image is orientated with south at its upper edge. The Adriatic and the cliffs to the SE of Pesaro can be seen with the Strada Statale 16 running along the narrow beach. Inland…

On the left page is a handwritten summary of an operation to the marshalling yards in Bologna, Italy.
On the righthand page is a target photograph taken on that operation. The central part is obscured by smoke and light but around this some roads…

A target photograph taken during an operation to the marshalling yards in Ferrara with supporting handwritten information. In the photograph smoke and glare obscures the marshalling yards in the left part of the image. Below there are numerous bomb…

A target photograph taken during an operation to Tatoi Aerodrome, near Athens, Greece. The lower half of the image is obscured by light but hangars and buildings can be seen at the top. The photograph is annotated 'A4' in the top left corner and is…

A target photograph for an operation to Salonika (Thessaloniki). Thessaloniki Bay occupies the lower half of the image and the upper right corner is obscured by light traces. The coastline and dock area are visible. There appears to be a ship in the…

First is a target photograph taken during an operation to Verona. In the lower left corner is the Adige River with the Ponte Pietra crossing it. The large building to the left of the river bend is the Castel San Pietro. The ancient city wall, with…

A vertical aerial photograph of the docks at Rotterdam. It is captioned '2208 W.S.29.12.44 //8" 16000 350° 1857 1/2 E Pens Rotterdam K . 1 HC 12000 DT C 30 secs F/O Leavitt R 617'.
On the reverse 'On loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa'.

A vertical aerial photograph of the docks at Rostock, taken during an operation. The centre of the image is obscured by flashes of light.
The image is captioned 'I.V.Y. 304 NT 26/27.4.42 f8" --> T.X.X.'
On the reverse is handwritten 'Rostock'.

Target photograph of Lubeck, annotated NS 6/5 Dupe Neg No 243, 1 JY19NT28/29 .3.42 F8 TX.

A target photograph taken on an operation at Cologne-Kalk. Bombs can be seen falling in lower right quadrant. Smoke is being emitted from near river bank top left. The River Rhine forms a curve from centre bottom to top left corner. Two bridges are…

Two photographs from an album.
#1 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing at Villers Bocage.
#2 is temporary graves of Bob Cooke and Crew at Tilly-sur-Seulles, Normandy.

A memoir of an operation involving Len Curtis and his crew members. During the operation his aircraft was shot down and Len was captured. However, he was liberated by American soldiers and returned to London six weeks later.

This item was sent to…

A vertical aerial photograph of an operation at Volkel airfield. Much of the image is obscured by bomb blasts and smoke.
It is captioned '1243 KLS 15.8.44//8" 15,500

A target photograph taken during an operation at Le Havre. The left-centre of the image is obscured by cloud. The coastline and beaches north of the port is shown. A mix of urban and rural landscape with roads are visible, including the distinctive S…

A vertical aerial photograph of Foret du Croc. Most of the image is obscured by cloud. A Lancaster is visible in a clear patch under which road patterns are visible. It is captioned '901 KLS 6-7-44//8" 17,000' -->134° 21.00 1/2 Foret du Croc…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Le Havre, centered on the Aplemont district, near the Forêt de Montgeon. The central area has explosions and smoke and many bomb craters are visible.
It is captioned 'KLS 10.0.44//8"…

A target photograph during an operation at Ligescourt V-1 site. The village, tracks and woods to the south are visible. Explosions and smoke are seen on the village at top right and bottom left in the woodlands. Many craters in the fields around are…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Stettin. Much of the image is obscured by light and explosions but there are street patterns visible at the top. It is captioned '1359 KLS 29/30-8-44//NT C. 8" 16,000'

Target photograph of Le Havre taken during an operation. The right side is obscured by smoke. The left and top are clear and show the harbour, docks and breakwater. One vessel can be seen at an angle within the dock, bottom centre, but otherwise no…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Dusseldorf. No ground detail is visible.
It is captioned '3485 Skell 2/3.11.44//NT/(C) 8" 18000' 127° 1927 Dusseldorf. T. 14MC1000DN.30 secs. F/O Drinkell. T. 50.'
On the reverse is…

Two sequential vertical aerial photographs of Ladbergen. Both show snow covered fields and the Dortmund-Ems canal. A bomb is visible in the second image.

The first is captioned '4092 Skell.1.1.45//8" 12000 050° 1119 Ladbergen. T. 14MC 1000.LD.…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Politz. Streaks of light and damage obscure ground detail. It is captioned '4380 Skell. 8/9 2.45//NT/(C) 8" 10000 052° 2122 Politz. T. 1HC 4000IN. 14MC 500DT. 21 secs F/L Drinkell.T.50.' On…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Wurzburg. No detail visible on the ground.
It is captioned '4724 Skell. 16/17.3.45//NT/(C). 8". 10000 004° 2138 Wurzburg. T. 1HC4000IN.18x4. 19 secs F/L Drinkell.T.50'.
On the reverse 'F/Lt…
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