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  • Tags: aerial photograph

An annotated vertical aerial photograph of naval facilities at Heligoland. U boat pens and a burnt out oil storage facility are marked.

Photo 1 is a side view of a Lancaster flying above clouds.
Photo 2 and 3 are predicted anti-aircraft fire explosions.
Photo 4 is an oblique image of the Rhine.
Photo 5 is the port side of Lancaster VN-N viewed from slightly above and to the front.

An oblique aerial photograph of a flooded landscape. The sea walls had been breached to stop the German Army using heavy gun batteries.

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Vohwinkel. The left side of the image is obscured by explosions but there is a great deal of detail visible elsewhere.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of an unidentified location. The image is very…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Koblenz. The river can be seen and falling sticks of incendiaries.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of Homberg. The image is very clear with only a few explosions hiding the detail.

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Bonn during an attack. Street patterns are clearly visible as are fires.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of Duisburg. The river is visible but much detail is obscured by cloud and smoke.

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Homberg. Bombs can be seen exploding in the town at the early stages of the attack.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of Hohembudberg, Duisberg. It shows a night attack with incendiary bombs burning…

Photo 1, 2 and 3 are vertical aerial photographs of an attack on Bonn. No detail is visible on the ground. Searchlights and incendiary tracks are visible.
Photo 3 is slightly later and shows large fires gaining control. Cologne is at the top left of…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Wesel during an attack. The town is obscured by cloud and the bombers used Gee-H. There are tracks of a bomber going down in flames and exploding on contact with the ground. Photo 2 is a vertical aerial…

Photo 1 and 2 are vertical aerial photographs of Wesel during the attack. The first image is at the start of the bombing and one explosion can be seen. In the second image, one minute later, there are many explosions.

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photo of Duren as the attack is underway. Two Lancasters can be seen on the right of the image. Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photo of the operation, one minute after the previous image. Two bombs are visible. Photo 3 is a…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Bochum. Most of the image is obscured by incendiary explosions.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photography of Gelsenkirchen. Two bombs can be seen falling.

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of an industrial area at Osnabruck at the start of the attack.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing, seven minutes later. Much of the target is obscured by smoke and explosions.

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of the coast with bomb craters. A 1000lb bomb cab be seen falling in the right of the image.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of the Calais area. The operation is to destroy a rocket launch site. Many…

Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of Tours. The city is visible but there are incendiary tracks blotting out much of the detail.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Tours. Explosions can be seen and a…

Three items from a photo album.
Item 1 is Homer's Income Tax Assessment for April 1947.
Item 2 is an aerial photo of a camp of bell tents and a marquee.
Item 3 is a Certificate of Post War Credit for £15 :3:7 issued to Homer in April 1947.

Photograph shows coastline with breached sea wall, captioned 'WESTKAPELLE K3300, Dist 23B, 0017 106G3369.18 Oct .44 F/8".115 Degrees'. Reverse, captioned 'Oblique Westkapelle Netherlands'.

Top left - reconnaissance photograph showing the port of Dieppe. Basin running middle left to top right with many barges tied up. River runs above top edge of basin with industrial building between. Below basin more industrial buildings and a further…

Top left - oblique aerial photograph of open countryside with fields and a few woods, dotted with farms. Many dark 'blots' which could be anti-aircraft fire bursts. Captioned 'A03 FEL 21.12.42//M8:1000 J.p.48'. Top right - oblique aerial photograph -…

Reconnaissance photograph of a port city with sea to the right and a river running centre right to left. Docks above and below river mouth. Photograph caption '622 W/642. I.P.R.U. 27.5.41. F/20:R↑'. Page caption 'Brest'.

Photograph shows coastline with fires burning, captioned 'Heligoland K4298, Dist 23c' including directional arrow. Caption at top of photograph: '4008 106G.5377.18.APR.45.F/36"//542 SQDN→ 4'. Caption in right hand bottom corner of photograph:…

Photograph of a marshalling yard. Inverted caption: 'VAIRES M/Y Near Paris Imm Report K2665' includes directional arrow pointing north. Caption at top of photograph: '4063 106G.1316.8.JULY.44. F/36"//542SQDN←'.

Photograph of railway yard, captioned 'Hanau Rail Center and Town, K3741 Dist 91C+', includes directional arrow. Bottom right caption: 2932. Top caption: '3042 106G.4272.14.FEB.45 F/36"//540 SQDN←'.

Photograph shows the breached sea wall at Flushing, captioned 'Flushing Sea Wall, Second supplement, K3265, Distribution 23B'. Caption at top of photograph: '3002 106G3317.12.OCT.44 F/36"//541 SQDN'.
Reverse has stamp 'Intelligence section RAF…
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