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  • Tags: military service conditions

Asks her not to reply as he might be posted shortly. Writes of his last leave. Short letter as he was off to tea parade.

Writes that he was home on leave. Apologises for not sending card on her birthday as he had had to force land in Anglesey. Comments on activities at home.

Thanks her for her letter. Relates story of forced landing in Wales due to engine trouble. Comments on his current camp being good but that they got no days off, just 10 days leave every eight weeks. Had good recent leave,

Writes that they had now completed 13 [..] trips and he had seen Paris in broad daylight. States that nights operation had been cancelled. The trips he enjoyed were those in support of the Army. Mentions Caen and the beach head. States he felt he was…

Writes of some of his activities and the antics of his companions during initial training.

Writes about her lack of leave and that he has had photographs taken. Comments on his new camp and going into local town (Selby) for a meal. Continues with chat about his activities and that he was on a dispersed drome living in Nissen huts an long…

Writes that he had recently attended aircrew selection board and medical and was now back in the RAF. Comments on his exam results and some of the tests that he had to take. Writes that he was finishing his civilian job and speculates on future…

Writes of jumping into the sea and relates his and a colleagues experiences, including being watched by holiday makers. Concludes with a little gossip and a sketch of a sergeant pushing a man into the sea.

Writes of waiting for waiting for another selection board and mentions his daily activities, including going into Sheerness. Describes his walk back along cliffs and meeting a crowd of girls. Catches up with news of friends and moans about the…

Describes camp and comments that he had only been outside once to the local town Barry. Writes of his afternoon out in Barry and describe daily evening routine of fatigues or swotting. Mentions weekly exams and grading system and how well he had…

Hopes that he would be home in three weeks and that he had only another three subjects to go. Mentions going to airfield to run up a Blenheim's engines.

Mentions that he had not done any flying yet and that he had three weeks left to do on his course. At the end he would return to previous base or be promoted to sergeant. Writes that he had had a smashing time the previous week with excellent…

Thanks her for wallet and money and was sorry he missed her on the phone. Writes a little of his activities on leave and says he had arranged for he to get birthday cake. Mentions going out with mum and dad on recent leave.

Writes that they now have a radio in their hut property of one of a Canadian crew that had moved in. Also he had some Canadian cake that had more fruit in a square inch that an English bakery. Continues about other food. Mentions that he had been air…

Writes of flying in bad weather and very low temperatures. Says he has not had time to visit relative in Peterborough. Writes of absolute confidence in skipper and crew. Mentions no dates for squadron and no sign of leave until they get to new…

Thanks her for her letters. Apologises for his awful writing. Describes camp and day to day activities. Covers RAF ranks and badges. Mentions his instructors and training schedule. Concludes with domestic and finance matters as well as general…

He writes about commencing training at Aberystwyth and that it is intense but he is enjoying it much more than previous training. Mentions London has had some nasty nights which worries him.

Writes that their hopes of leave that night had been dashed and they had been promised some hours off on Saturday afternoon.

Writes of his experiences at Receiving Centre. Includes account of journey back to centre. Says it was good to see her. Continues with description of activities and fellow trainees. Includes humorous account of being sorted by religion.

Writes that he misses her and worries about danger to her of bombing. Continues telling of journey to by special train and describes new camp. Covers activities, food and accommodation. Mentions blackout and washing in dark. Continues with detailed…

Thanks her for letter and cake. Says he is unhappy particularly over rainy weather and polishing boots. Writes of church parade and offending the padre with swearing. Continues with recounting visit to local ladies for afternoon tea. Continues…

Thanks her for letter and parcel. Mentions poor mail handling, Lists letters received and asks her to number subsequent ones. Mentions financial matters and requests she sends him some items. Mentions he is homesick but not looking forward to next…

Thanks her for parcel but worries over cost to her. Discusses parcel contents. Discusses financial and domestic matters. Describes daily activities, visit to locals for tea and mentions first rifle range firing in poor weather.

Replies to issues raised in her letters. Writes of receiving soap flakes and doing laundry. Happy that RAF allowance is going through. Discuses mail and other domestic matters. Goes on with brief description of daily activities and a hateful new…

Thanks her for letter. Disappointed that he not win in draw for leave pass. Mentions her visiting new place and planning for upcoming birth. Debating applying for compassionate leave but doesn't hold out hope. Hopes that Peter was not affected by the…
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