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Peter Lamprey writes about his life in the Royal Air Force including intensive physical training and Morse code training.

Peter Lamprey writes about life in the Royal Air Force while training as an air gunner.

Peter Lamprey writes about his life training in the Royal Air Force including his busy schedule, his gratitude for the stamps and lack of leisure time.

Peter Lamprey writes about life in the Royal Air Force including aircrew training, exhaustion and what he got up to on his leave

Peter Lamprey writes about life at Royal Air Force Hixon including the problem of getting into town for entertainment.

Peter Lamprey’s letter contains general gossip and a long humorous poem about his training and his life in the Royal Air Force.

Peter Lamprey writes about basic and wireless operator/air gunner training in the form of a poem.

Peter Lamprey writes about life whilst based at Church Broughton, including the deaths of airmen in crashes, frustration at not flying and his social life including a visit to Derby. He concludes with banter about acquaintances also in the military.

Pete Lamprey writes about his life whilst stationed at Royal Air Force Church Broughton. He is angry at the amount of Royal Air Force disorganization and the long walk to any of the nearest towns for social activity.

Peter Lamprey starts his letter with some banter and then mentions the weather had precluded flying and he had a great night out in Derby. He then make some comments about past flying before concluding with more banter.

Peter Lamprey writes that little has happened since his last letter as operations had been suspended due to high losses after recent operations. He reports that he is now a grade 1 ‘W/OP.AG’ which results in more money. He concluded with a poem,…

Peter Lamprey mentions that he has now been to Mannheim three times and that the previous night’s operation had been cancelled due to weather. He states that he had enjoyed his recent leave and that he had to terminate his letter as operations were…

Peter Lamprey reports that his crew turned back with an un-serviceable aircraft from operation to Berlin but that he was subsequently involved in a ferocious attack on Berlin with four hundred planes bombing inside 15 minutes. On their return they…

Peter Lamprey notes that they have been grounded for ten days and had received congratulations from Group Headquarters over the Peenemunde operation. He then describes an operation to Nürnberg when they were engaged by two fighters over Mannheim.

Peter Lamprey writes about bombing operations to Bochum and then Kassel after which German aircraft followed them home and bombed runway as they went in to land, subsequently putting the airfield unserviceable with anti-personnel bombs. In conclusion…

Peter Lamprey writes about an operation to Turin and comments that he would rather do two trips there rather than ‘Happy Valley’ where some crews had been lost. He remarks that bad weather has curtailed operations.

Peter Lamprey writes that the last four operations were to the ‘Big City’ and that he is suffering a hangover after previous night’s revelry.

Peter Lamprey writes of his disapproval that he does not receive replies to his letters and of his sortie to Essen where his aircraft was heavily damaged resulting in them having to limp home.

Peter Lamprey writes that he is on ‘jankers’ for being late back from leave and about problems with life in general. He mentions training and then writes colourfully about how he feels about the Royal Air Force and particularly, the medical…

Peter Lamprey writes that he is nursing a bad shoulder from parachute training. He complains about life in general and notes flying has been at a minimum these last few days.

Peter Lamprey writes that his shoulder is better and the sling is off and about cheering on his colleagues running six miles in the rain. He mentions pursuing ladies and the difficulties in hitching lifts. He says that flying has started again.

Peter Lamprey writes physical and other training and that they are now known as cadets. He mentions Women’s Auxiliary Air Force girls and that he will try and get off camp at the weekend. He catches up with friends, mentions that there a number of…

Peter Lamprey writes about a cracked rib he received playing hockey and being on light duties. He talks a little about his training and that there is six weeks to go on the course. He mentions that some old acquaintances from his basic training have…

Peter Lamprey writes that he is preparing for his final boards. He talks about poor weather and that new course member were punished for arriving back late. He mentions a incident of negligent discharge of a rifle.

Peter Lamprey notes that he is writing while on guard duty at a remote location. He mentions that he has only got his final boards to take and he is waiting for results of his application for night fighters. He writes about increasing numbers of…
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