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  • Tags: sport

Writes about mail received and sent. Getting plenty of flying despite weather. Mentions that cricket is the rage on the station and has had a few games including international with the Australians on top. Catches up with other gossip.


Catches up with recent mail. Says not to worry about life insurance and catches up with her news and other gossip of doings. Concludes with cricket commentary.


Reports arrival of her previous letters and says he is now stationed in Hertfordshire a few miles from Royston. States that the Americans had left the place in a mess. Writes about Australian cricket side's scores and performance. Gives address of…

Peter Lamprey writes about his life undergoing basic airman’s training whilst stationed in Blackpool. He makes comments on cross country running and problems with various sergeant trainers.

Peter Lamprey writes that his shoulder is better and the sling is off and about cheering on his colleagues running six miles in the rain. He mentions pursuing ladies and the difficulties in hitching lifts. He says that flying has started again.

Peter Lamprey writes about a cracked rib he received playing hockey and being on light duties. He talks a little about his training and that there is six weeks to go on the course. He mentions that some old acquaintances from his basic training have…

Peter Lamprey writes about visits from senior officers and massed drill. He then goes on to talk about life on basic training at Blackpool in general and mentions an inter-squadron boxing tournament.

Writes about how time at school is very busy and about playing hockey. Continues about school activities and ask mother to order a book for her. States she is settled and happy and sends regards to family.


A letter from Terry Ford to his family, where he writes about the accommodation in Stratford. He also lists some of the places he visited whilst in London – Tower of London, Tower bridge, Big Ben, Westminster abbey, the Mall and Buckingham Palace…

Terry Ford writes to his parents about having received their letter and a parcel. He is going to see an exhibition of table–tennis of the world champions, they were invited by the Duke of Kent. Terry talks about Yvonne going to a Horticulture…

Terry Ford writes to his family about enjoying the course now that the weather has improved. By the end of the course he will be a qualified navigator and a pilot. He has received a letter from Uncle Claude inviting him to go to New York with him.

Hopes she is receiving his mail and says he has had none from her yet. Tells her not to worry as he is comfortable and doing a lot of reading. Mentions people he has met and talks of football, ice skating and playing draughts.

Writes that he will be glad when the baby comes, that he had received a parcel and was very pleased with the contents. Asks for hair cream and boot polish in next one. Discusses mail and friends and mentions that snow has gone and that he was playing…

Reports he is fit and well and mentions when her last letter had arrived. Says he is tired after playing football, tennis and rugby with more to come. Mentions doing laundry and that he might take up baseball. Discusses acquaintances in camp and says…

Writes he is fit and well and that weather was good but days drawing in. He would be sorry if he had to spend another winter as a prisoner. Talks of haircuts and mail he had received. Will be glad to get photo of baby and mentions friends at home.…

Letter to David Donaldson from Hank Cooper written post war. Hank gives news of his activities, people and the departure of wartime colleagues. He writes of pet dog and going to London to see semi-finals of Royal Air Force individual squash…

Thanks for letter and discusses battledress. mentions future move to Blackpool and current activities including sport. Ian is avoiding lectures by playing sport. He describes punting on the Nidd. He is due to depart shortly for Blackpool.


Glad to get latest letter dated 10 July. Comments on some content particularly cooking. Mentions other letter from same location also describing conditions including mention that Douglas had taken part in a boxing contest and that chaplain visited.…

Wrote that she had note from censor that she could not send a parcel direct but only via Red Cross and could only contain soap. Mentions some parcels got through but according to post office it was just good luck. Philosophises about hope. Continues…

Apologizes for not writing and relates daily goings on at RAF Stradishall. Mentions a visit to Doncaster, having to get up early for flying almost every day, a football match, not night flying yet and the fact that they are very isolated.

He thanks her for a cable which arrived via Moncton plus 13 letters from her and family. His new camp is a very high standard, as is the food and sporting facilities. He has been at a National Park in the mountains.

He thanks her for the newspapers she has sent. He has been practice bombing. They have been having sporting competitions and a dance.

Writes about his new station, the local area and places to go. Writes that they had not done much yet due to weather but he had gone solo. Writes a little about his flying, ground school and staff. Continues with description of sports and athletics.…

He recollects the night he was shot down with his pilot saving their lives but losing his own. On his release he returned to UK and was treated for malnutrition.

Letter from Jim Cahir to his friend Mary Egan detailing his plane being shot down, his capture and his time in a prisoner of war camp.
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