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  • Tags: Lancaster

Eleven ground crew in front of centre section of Lancaster, on the reverse '115 Squadron, RAF Witchford, Sid Bunce second from right standing'. Nose art on aircraft indicating 30 completed operations. Airman on bicycle in background.

14 airmen standing and kneeling in front of a Lancaster with nose art indicating 29 operations completed.

On the reverse: '115 Squadron, RAF Witchford, Sid Bunce' and 'Sid X'.

Navigational computations and a chart for an operation to Siegen. Also included is a vertical aerial photograph.

A vertical aerial photograph of Siracourt V-1 base. The entire image is filled with bomb craters. Above is a caption with details of the operation, aircraft taking part and bomb loads.
Under the image is a caption '2801 LMG 6.7.44//8" 13000' -->…

Firstly, a man in uniform with sergeant's stripes and a brevet, wearing gloves, sat on a Cookie. The bomb is on a bomb trolley in an open field alongside an aircraft with buildings and hedgerow in the distance.
Second, David, second right, is sat…

Six air gunners, three standing and three kneeling on a brick structure. From information kindly provided by the donor. '115 Gunners'.
RAF Witchford.

Six aircrew standing in line wearing side caps and Mae Wests. In the background the fuselage of Lancaster PB542 OL-W.

Six aircrew wearing Mae West standing and squatting under the nose of a Lancaster with nose art of squadron leader rank sleeve with hand giving thumbs up, 'Squadron Leader X' and letters 'X-PO' of 467 Squadron. Another Lancaster on dispersal in the…

Six airmen crouched down in front of a Lancaster with its engines running. On the reverse '1943 Lancaster Ted's Crew'.

The nine airmen are positioned in two rows under the port inner engine of a Lancaster. Aircrew are wearing life jackets. On the reverse 'The gang and three of the ground crew before we took off for Germany'.

Six aircrew standing in line in front of the rear turret of a Lancaster.

Six aircrew wearing battledress, four wearing side caps and two wearing flying boots standing in a line by the rear turret of a Lancaster. In the background another Lancaster. On the reverse '10.3.45 Skell, J E Morgan (signature), Bain, Gee, Casey,…

Six aircrew wearing battledress, four wearing side caps and two wearing flying boots standing in a line by the rear turret of a Lancaster. In the background another Lancaster.

Six aircrew in two rows, front three kneeling, rear three standing all wearing battledress. Derrick Allen is front row left. In the background the nose of a Lancaster on the left and a lorry on the right. Second photograph same as the first

Six aircrew standing in a line. All are wearing side caps and Mae Wests. Behind them the forward part of a Lancaster and in the background a open ground to a hedge.

Six aircrew in flying equipment standing in front of forward section of Lancaster, airfield and engine trestle in background.

Six aircrew standing in line all holding practice bombs. In the background the rear fuselage of a Lancaster with squadron letters 'PO-X'.

Six airmen including Alexander Lamb grouped at the boarding hatch of a Lancaster. Annotated with 'navigator on leave'.

Six airmen grouped at the rear entrance of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'ME844 LS-C until 23/37 March 1945'.

Six airmen, five wearing uniform with brevet and one in the centre wearing tunic, all standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Two versions o the same image.

A group of six airmen standing at the front of a Lancaster. They are wearing full flying kit.

Six airmen at the nose of a white painted Lancaster. Two are squatting on the grass, four are standing.

Photograph 1 is a group of six trainee airmen in uniform and side caps.
Photograph 2 is a group of 36 airmen seated and standing in three rows in front of a Beaufighter.
Photograph 3 is a group of 29 trainee airmen and a woman arranged in three…

Six airmen standing at the rear of a Lancaster coded 'AA'.
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