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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

A list of contents of a parcel being sent to Dick Curnock by his mother.

A letter to Dick from his friend, Ken asking him how he is and wishing him well.

A letter to Dick Curnock from his mother with domestic news.

Three lists of books sent by red cross to John Valentine in Stalag Luft 3

Two contents lists for red cross parcels sent by Ursula Valentine. Two contents list sent for Christmas 1942 by Director Hansson and Mrs Skagerlind from Sweden. Two address cards.

A wartime log kept by Jim Tyrie whilst being kept a prisoner of war. He was shot down on 10th April 1941 and imprisoned for 4 years, 1 month and 16 days. It contains cartoons, sketches and maps.
He lists the men who were shot after recapture during…

Letter to P Floyd, father of his pilot Philip expressing his admiration for his skill as a pilot and sorrow in having to inform him of Philip's probable death. Gives an account of being shot down.

A wartime log kept by Jim Tyrie. He lists his crew on the night they were shot down over Berlin, the construction of tin trays, addresses of co-prisoners, cartoons, London restaurants, newspaper cuttings in German and English and finally more…

A reply to Jim for an order for a Rolex watch whilst he was in POW camp. A handwritten annotation describes the order as tongue in cheek and he never followed it up. Included is a blank prisoner of war envelope.

The postcard states that it will not be long until he is home. It is signed Sedric.

Article headlines: gallantry in captivity, awards to airmen, many lives saved in Germany. OBEs for Group Captain Laurence F Wray RCAF shot down March 1944 for work done on evacuation of Stalag Luft 3. Wing Commander (acting Group Captain) Henry…

A biography of Jim Tyrie. He was called up on 1st September 1939 and learned to fly on Tiger Moths. He was shot down on his 7th operation over Berlin. In POW camp he was described as a dedicated tunneller. There is a list of the camps he was kept in…

Britain has demanded through the protecting power a full and immediate report on the shooting after a mass escape of 47 British, Dominion and allied air officers in prison camp Stalag Luft 3. 76 officers escaped on March 22. 15 had been recaptured…

Accounts of some of the officers shot: Flt Lt J G Stower, Flt Lt J F Williams, Flt Lt E G Brettell, Flt Lt M J Casey Flt Lt D. O Street. List of 47 Officers shot. Photograph of W.O Bristow and his model steam boat captioned 'An RAF sergeant at Stalag…

Photograph of prisoners of war working. Shows six prisoners in various clothes standing, sitting or working on foundations of a hut.In the background other huts and trees. Captioned' RAF prisoners at Stalag Luft 3 laying brick foundations for a new…

Top left: a group of men sitting on side of a square pool. On the left a man is launching a model steam boat. Captioned 'D41 W O Bristow's Steam Boat, Stalag Luft 3, 42'. Top right: a man squatting down on the edge of a pool launching a model steam…

Top: seven man band on stage on right with single man trumpeter on left. Captioned 'F23 "Thru' The Music Sheet". Stalag Luft 3, June 43'. Second row left: four actors on stage two men on left and two dressed as women on the right. Captioned 'F24…

Top: band on stage to the right while an actor dances on the left. Captioned 'F17 "Thru' The Music Sheet". Stalag Luft 3, June 43'. Second row: a group of actors on stage on the left wearing fantasy costume with a band on the right. Captioned 'F18…

Top left: poster for show "Thru' the music sheet". Captioned 'F11 Show Poster'. Top left: group of actors on stage. On the right an actor dressed as school teacher hold ear of actor dressed as school child. On the left, six actors dressed as school…

Top left: two actors dressed as women converse on stage. In the background a sofa and a window. Captioned 'F6 "Home and Beauty", Stalag Luft 3, Apr 43'. Top right: two actors, one dressed as a woman dancing on stage. In the background a table with…

Top left a poster for show "Home and Beauty" with a cast list pinned underneath. Captioned 'F1 Show Poster'. Top right: four actors on stage two on left, one standing the other sitting on a bed both in uniform. On the right, two actors dressed as…

Top left: three actors on stage, a man and an actor dressed as woman stand on the left talking to a third dressed as jockey sitting on a sofa. In the background right a mullioned window on the left a bookcase. Captioned 'E31 "For the Love of Mike",…

Top left: two actors talking on stage dressed as man and woman both in medieval costumes. Captioned 'E26 "Merchant of Venice, Stalag Luft 3, Apr 43'. Top right: three actors on stage wearing medieval costumes. Captioned 'E27 "Merchant of Venice,…

Top left: a poster for the merchant of Venice with silhouette on man an d woman with bridge in the background. Captioned 'E20 Show Poster'. Top right: five actors on stage wearing a variety of medieval costumes. Captioned 'E21 "Merchant of Venice,…

Top left: a group of actors on stage in a variety of male and female costumes, Captioned 'E13 "Girls, Girls, Girls", Stalag Luft 3,Mar 43'. Top right:two actors on stage one dressed in tails and the other a in a wedding dress. Captioned 'E14…
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