Browse Items (211 total)

  • Collection: Shepherd, George Charles

Image from above of silhouette of a Lancaster with anti-aircraft tracer lines and bomb explosions below. Captioned 'on the night of January 30th, Lancasters reached Hamburg through exceptionally stormy weather, got on their target, and in half an…

An airman standing between two rows of bombs piled three high. Captioned 'Retribution in waiting: a scene in one of the many hundreds of bomb dumps in this country. Apart from all the other complicated organisation necessary to stage a heavy raid on…


Reconnaissance photograph showing heavily cratered area around the dome shaped Wizernes V-weapon storage site. Large craters were created by Tallboy bombs dropped by 617 Squadron on 24th June 1944. Caption 'More to be pitted: an installation in Pas…

Account of Bomber Command sinking of the Tirpitz with 12,000 lb bombs. Discusses the use of aircraft to sink warships and the effect of explosions of ships magazines in British battleships. Includes b/w photograph of sunken ship and diagram relating…

Front quarter view looking down at an airborne Lancaster letters 'PG-?' flying above cloud. Captioned 'A Lancaster III on a daylight test flight above cloud'.

View from rear of a Lancaster in silhouette engines running with people on the right. Captioned 'Dawn arrival: an Avro Lancaster , back from a raid, taxies to its dispersal point. Judicious use of the wheel brakes, and power from two inboard…

Target photograph showing bomb explosions and another Lancaster below on top right. Captioned 'Brewing up: an RAF Lancaster makes its run over the target during the daylight bombing of Heinsburg'.

View from the air of burning target area. Captioned 'Up in smoke: terrific explosions occurring during a night raid by Lancasters on an ammunition dump at Sable-sur-Sarthe, near Le Mans'.

King, Queen and Princess Elizabeth in centre of a large crows of servicemen. Captioned 'Royal visitors: a happy picture of the King and Queen and Princess Elizabeth during their visit to several bomber command stations. The aircrews had just returned…

Photograph of night view with vehicles and people on ground with searchlight looking up. Building on left (control tower) has people on balcony. Captioned 'after the raid: the station commander of a Bomber Command station watches the return of his…

Image of launching site with craters. Captioned 'Pest's nest: a launching site of the larger type in the Pas de Calais area. Repairs are nearing completion and further attention from Allied bombers seems about due. Note craters and slit trenches'.

Page showing four artwork images of Lancaster from various quarters above and below. Title 'Lancaster I (4-Merlin), bomber, maximum speed 280 mph, cruising speed 210 mph'.

View from front quarter of airborne Lancaster flying above clouds with another Lancaster following below and behind. Captioned 'Flying high: two Lancaster IIs, each powered with four Hercules engines, flying above the clouds'.

View from below looking up at a Lancaster with letters 'VN-N'.

Title with clouds in background.


Side view of Lancaster W4783with many rows of operation bomb symbols on fuselage below cockpit. Captioned 'Honourable retirement: with 90 "Ops" to its credit, this RAAF Lancaster 1, "G" for George has been presented to premier John Curtin for the…

Side view of a Lancaster with missing port aileron. below images of the rear of port and starboard wings with missing parts. Captioned 'Lateral instability: a Lancaster which recently came home minus both ailerons. The photographs below are close-ups…

Photograph of Lancaster assembly line in factory. Captioned 'Lancasters on assembly'.


View of front quarter of Lancaster in hangar with three men looking on and two working on top. Captioned 'working on a Canadian built Avro Lancaster. Turrets are fitted after arrival in Britain'.

Rear fuselage of Lancaster squadron letters EA (49 Squadron) with airmen loading bundles of leaflets form a trolley. Captioned 'Back to nickel raiding: loading leaflets into a Lancaster of a Rhodesian squadron before one of the big raids on Hamburg.…

Airmen gathered round a table as an officer writes. Captioned 'Interrogation of a Lancaster bomber crew after one of the big raids on Berlin'.

Convoy of lorries with dismembered parts of aircraft, front fuselage, rear fuselage and wings. Captioned 'Cavalcade: a crashed Lancaster moves off to a repair depot in line astern'.

View from front of airborne Lancaster with bombs falling. Complete cloud cover below. Captioned 'through the overcast: a Lancaster bombs an air torpedo launching site through 10/10ths cloud'.

Photograph of Lancaster from rear as it is just airborne. Captioned 'Friedrichshafen and North Africa: H for Harry, one of a force of Lancasters taking off for the raid on the Zeppelin works on the shores of Lake Constance. After leaving the target…

Photograph show river left to ring with downed bridge. Captioned 'Traffic suspension: all that remains of the Cologne suspension bridge after RAF bomber command attack on October 28 las.....'.
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