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  • Collection: Witty, A R

Reports arrival of latest mail from home and thanks her for birthday greetings. Comments on her and Norman's activities as well as congratulating her on her school results and arranging a reward. Concludes with other gossip.

Says he has passed his exams and will be moving on to another place shortly. Comments on weather and hopes she is encourages her to continue to do well at school. Says he is half way through his time in South Africa with the more important part to go…


Writes that he had received Norman's airgram with his new address. Catches up with Norman's activities as far as he knew including some flying. However he was not clear what Norman was doing. Writes that he was now in second week of course and had a…

Tried to time this airgram to arrive on Norman's birthday and send greetings. Comments of bad news about a friend and Norman's disappointment on having to do ground work. Catches up with other family news and arrival of mail as well as commenting on…

Writing to Norman on his birthday and apologises for not writing more often but he had been busy swotting hard to ensure passing exams at first attempt. Comments on exams he had taken and says he was disappointed at the simplicity of the questions.…


Writes that he had lost track of Norman's location as he seemed to have moved every time they were in contact. Catches up with mail sent and received. He compared Norman's flying hours to his own which were less but he would have had more except for…

Apologises for not writing but says he has to spend a lot time studying and had little to spare for letters. Commiserates over Norman being pushed around the country but needed to says that he would find there would be a lot of hanging around. Asked…

Reports arrival of airgram from Norman and was pleased that he had had a few days leave. Catches up with family news from home. Mentions he had passed the first three exams on the course and was waiting for results of the fourth. He would be working…


Notes it is quite a while since he received an airgram form him and wondered if he had started his courses or was still waiting which unfortunately was common at that time. However he said that Norman had done the right thing re-mustering as…

One one side a notice for a grand Christmas part to be held on boxing day in the NAAFI. On the other side handwritten notes with names and times.

Brown envelope with faint handwritten notes on one side

Head and shoulders portrait of a woman wearing civilian dress.

Head an shoulders portrait of a woman wearing white blouse.

Piece of paper with 'Witty F/O' written on it.

Head and shoulders portrait of a man wearing civilian jacket and tie.

Head and shoulders portrait of a man wearing civilian jacket and tie.

Head and shoulders portrait head on of a man wearing civilian jacket and tie.
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