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  • Collection: Doughty, James Charles

Thanks her for letter and parcel. Was glad she liked photograph. Comments that he had started the real work now. Mud and snow had hardened up but had trouble getting transport to nearest town. Was getting expert and hitchhiking.

Says he was enclosing note paper for her. Ask her opinion on his photograph tinting. Writes of upcoming board and leave, Says he was off to tea in the NAAFI.

Thanks her for letter and parcel. Writes he was on the last lap of training and now on the Halifax Mk 3. Sates letter short as he need to study engines he had not done before.

Writes he has not much news. Comments on daily activities. Asks her to let him know what she thinks of the dog and is annoyed it was chosen without them being there.

Writes that had not replied to her letter but it had only just arrived (envelope enclosed showing address changes chasing him around). Comments on his training activities which include swimming and dinghy drill.

Catches up with news. Comments on lack of activity, just doing guard duty. Mentions being allowed in the Church Army.

Writes that he had not been posted but hoped to go soon. Mentions his activities and new arrivals. Comments on recent university air squadron coming to his location and their duties.

Thanks her for cigarettes she sent. States he is on a weeks holiday. Writes of receiving news from friend who was in hospital. Continues with other news of friends.

General gossip and catching up with news of friends. (Eric training in Canada). Tells story of boss eyed work mate.

Apologises for delayed reply. Not much news. Announces coming home next Thursday. Very close to end of training.

Thanks her for parcel. Not much news. Comments on weather and PT, running in local area. States he was going on Halifax.

Thanks her for postal order. Writes of his routine during training in Torquay. Mentions recent journey back to base.

Photograph of cross marking grave of RAAF and RAF aircrew dated 1944-08-13. Names 'F/Lt P E Young, P/O K L Walker RAF, P/O G York, P/O J G Gordon, P/O A H Harvey, P/O R R H Osborne RAF, Sgt J V Finney RAF, Sgt J C Doughty RAF'. On the reverse…

Letter from the under-secretary of state for air enclosing awards granted to Sergeant J C Doughty who did not live to receive them.

Jimmy Doughty's mother writes to his sister Iris of receiving her postcard and acknowledging that she was staying on holiday for a week. Comments that Jimmy had just left to go back after leave. Concludes with family gossip. This was Jimmy Doughty's…
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