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  • Collection: Wareing, Robert

Writes that they had been asked to call on addressee.

Describes events during an operation to support the Normandy troops when Robert Wareing's aircraft was attached by fighters and set on fire. Four crew members were killed and four baled out. Author and one other evaded with help of French resistance,…

Writes to Joan sending her sympathy on the news that Bob is missing.

Letter posted from RAF station North Luffenham by Base Navigation Officer, Squadron Leader Alan Hill covering family news and friendship matters in general. Is glad that Bob is safe and well and wanted to know about how to send parcels to him.

Writes expressing sympathy that Joan’s husband Bob has been reported missing and they are awaiting further news from her.

Tells her that she is glad she has had news of Bob and that she knows how she must be feeling. Mentions being thrilled as she knew Bob well as he was best man at her wedding.

Sorry that they missed her and she should call in if passing. Sorry to hear the bad news and hopes for better soon.

Letter of condolence to Joan Wareing from the Padre of the RAF station at Little Staughton. Also mentions he has acted as effects officer and her husbands effects have been sent to the central depository.

Writes inviting him to speak at their village’s festivities during the “Wings for Victory” week and, in particular to officially open the week at the garden fete.

Writes thanking him for giving a talk at the “Wings for Victory” opening ceremony in Colsterworth. He states that the funds raised were £11,363/10/11d. He hopes to see Squadron Leader Wareing in the near future.

Writes giving details of her husband, his evacuation by the Germans as a prisoner and mentions the condition of his burns which were rapidly improving..

Charles Walkden writes to Mrs Wareing thanking her for her letter and postage stamps. He gives her information on his recovery, about himself and his impending repatriation to his home in Winnipeg and his time in England.

He writes that he has recently been in close contact with her husband, Squadron Leader Robert Wareing as they were prisoners in the same hospital. He advises that her husband, with others, were evacuated by the Germans but that he, himself, remained…

Award of path finder badge to Acting Squadron Leader R Wareing DFC

Award of path finder force badge, Qualified and entitled to wear badge.

Writes thanking her for her letter and informing her that she is still entitled to a travelling pass.

Writes thanking her for her letter which she received a few days before she heard the news about her own husband, Bob, and assumes Joan has had the same news about her husband. She hopes everything will turn out alright in the end for both of them…

He tells her how pleased he is to hear good news regarding her husband. He imparts all the local news, including the birth of a baby boy. Mentions flying bombs giving friends a hard time in London.

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Writes expressing deep sorrow that Mr Wareing has been reported missing, from himself and other members of the community.

Writes advising her that instructions for the release of her husband’s car have been given to his former unit and that the documents for the car will be forwarded to her in due course.

Encloses an number of documents that she had requested.

Edwin thanks Mrs Wareing for her recent letter and writes of losses to his family. He also encloses a photograph of his late brother.

He sends his sympathy to Mrs Wareing on her husband’s capture. He mentions that his brother was the wireless operator in her husbands crew and was killed in action. He would appreciate if anything her husband could tell them about his brother was…

Rev. E Goldthorpe and his wife, express their delight that Joan has heard that Bob is alive and passes on other news of friends and acquaintances.

Writes that saying they are pleased to hear that Bob is alive although a prisoner of war. They continue with general social news and gossip.
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