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  • Collection: Madgett, Hedley Robert

From W C Green offering sympathy over news that Hedley is missing and hoping that he might have survived. Admires bravery of crews.

From W C Green assuming no further news of Hedley. Catches up with news of his own family matters, his health and repairs to house after 2000 lb bomb dropped nearby in October. Notes 300 houses in Hayes were damaged but no deaths. Commiserates over…

From J G Grey congratulating them on son's award and catching up with news. Postscript that she has just heard that Hedley is missing and hopes they will have good news.

Letter from George Harker & Co Ltd enclosing cheque and offering condolences.

Reply to previous letter informing Mr Madgett that arrangements would be made for him to be recorded next of kin to attend Buckingham Palace to receive the Distinguished Flying Medal awarded to his son from His Majesty the King. Not possible to give…

From Air Ministry confirming war gratuity is payable and encloses form of application for payment. Matters of wills and probate need to be considered. Includes leaflet on advice to relatives of a man who is missing.

From Leslie Kant offering his and his wife's condolence. Writes that Hedley was one of the nicest and brightest of his staff. He had no idea he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal and had taken a commission. Writes he had received news that…

Writes he read news in Telegraph and offers sympathy. Notes that there had been similar examples of such news at the office but then they had good news. Relates other news and hopes for the best.

Letter to Director of Personnel Services. Reference letter to Madgetts on February 18 1944. Notes that they received a letter from Wing Commander 61 Squadron at Syerston that their son was missing after air operation on 17/18 August 1943. They also…

Sorry to hear bad news about Hedley. Bad luck coming down on his last operation. Talks of joining the Royal Air Force. Catches up with news of leave and friends. Mentions that German radio had reported Lincoln was flattened but he had heard nothing.…

Thanks for parcels and catches up with news of friends. Writes of upcoming events and weather. Notes reading in the paper about how Hedley won Distinguished Flying Medal.

Letter from Mr and Mrs Marriott thanking the Madgetts for their letter of condolence. Both families have much to be proud of.

Envelope with Mr and Mrs Madgetts address in Sidcup. On the reverse 'F/O Norton, Sgts Robinson, Palk P/O Bradley, Souter, Wakefield'.

Letter from relative of fellow crew member. Thanks them for kind letter and writes she has heard nothing since her boy was reported missing. Confirms she will write if she hears anything.

Writes that she has received official news of her sons death. He is buried along with Pilot Officer Bradley at Griefswald Weich, 16 mils west of Peenemunde. Asks if Madgetts are in touch with Bradley's family or if they have received any further…

Letter confirming that Hedley Madgett's aircraft failed to return from operations on 17/18 August 1943. However there was nothing known that could be connected to the aircraft's non return. Writes that it takes some time for any news to come through…

Letter from another crew member's mother thanking the Madgetts for their letter and newspaper cuttings. She writes there is no definite proof they lost their lives so hope they will see them again.

Notifies them that 61 Squadron has now moved to RAF Coningsby. She writes that her son's post office savings book has been found. There was still no news of their son but she is still hopeful.

Thanks him for letter and cuttings. Thanks him for giving her sons name to the Red Cross for her. Hopes they might hear something soon.

From Elsie Richardson offering sympathy over report of Hedley missing and hopes they may hear good news soon. Writes that they would not know her but several years ago he was kind to her husband who often spoke of young Hedley. She continues with…

Writes that her son who is in RAF Red Cross Hospital in Northallerton is still seriously ill and unlikely to recover. Hopes that she will hear good news of Hedley soon.

Thnks her for recent letter. Regrets that the Madgetts are going through the same thing a she has just done but hopes it will have a happy ending. Relates her experience with her son reported missing while others in his crew were reported killed. She…

From G S Skipper writing that he was sorry to hear that Hedley had not returned from a operation to Germany. Passes on some laudatory comments on Hedley when he worked for him.

Air Council expresses regret that Pilot Officer Hedley Robert Madgett is missing as a result of air operations on night 17/18 August 1943. Lancaster aircraft failed to return. Does not mean he is killed, wounded and if a prisoner, should be able to…

From mother of the mid upper gunner on Hedley's aircraft offering sympathy over anxiety for news that they are both suffering. Notes she had met Hedley on a few occasions at Kings Cross and how crew cheered when he arrived as Pilot Officer. Hopes…
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