Browse Items (12 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-07-18"

Wonders what he was doing now and writes about his own activities, postings, courses and flying. Catches up with news of colleagues. Mentions he is going on embarkation leave but does not know where he is going, probably the Far East.

Mother expresses her delight and pride at hearing the recent news of his second Distinguished Service Order. Writes of father's visit to London and catches up with family/acquaintance news.

Sends congratulations and is full of pride. Telephone out of order.

T P Payne’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 9 November 1942 to 19 April 1953. Detailing his flying training as a pilot. He was stationed at RAF Brough (4 EFTS), RCAF Neepawa (35 EFTS), RCAF Swift Current (39 SFTS), RAF Perth (11…

John Mitchell’s wireless operator’s flying log book covering the period from 12 October 1941 to 9 August 1948. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as wireless operator. He was stationed at RAF Kinloss (19 OTU), RAF Forres (19 OTU),…

Wireless operators flying log book for F W Elliott, covering the period from 1 October 1943 to 13 July 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying duties with Radio Warfare Establishment. He was stationed at RAF Madley,…

Alan Gwilliam’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 29th September 1943 until 25th July 1953. Continued posting with 21 Service Flying Training School as an instructor. Posted to 76 Operational Training Unit in Palestine during March 1944 and then to…

Writes of receiving his parcel and reports on state of contents. Mentions enclosing a letter from daughter Frances and continues with news of other activities.

She writes to him in hospital about his return home. She writes explaining the different bus routes he can take and types of transport, and directions to take in the village when he gets there, or if she would like to meet him in London? She writes…

Congratulatory telegram to David Donaldson signed 'Adj'.
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