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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Romford"

A report of the assistance James gave to a fellow crew member leading to his being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross during his first operation. Annotated '1944'.

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Including a report on the circumstances leading to Flight Lieutenant James Inward being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Amongst reports of air raids, a 100th birthday and other local news a description of the actions leading to James being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Reg advises he has received his wings and wishes his mother happy birthday.

Reg advises that he has completed primary training and has been on leave at West Palm Beach.

Reg's account starting when he was shot down on an operation to Berlin. After Berlin he was transferred to Frankfurt for interrogation then by train to his camp. Camp life involved food, the preparation and acquisition of extra food by theft, trading…

Reg has been moved to another camp, on foot and at night. Their camp was liberated by the Americans. He is frustrated that he cannot get home since they are restricted to camp.

Reg advises that his new home is Offlag VIIB. He sounds upbeat after receiving half a Christmas parcel.

This is his first letter from a prisoner of war camp. He is well and includes a list of items to be sent via the Red Cross.

A postcard from Reg to his parents advising them that he is well in Dulag Luft.

A postcard from Reg to his parents.

A postcard of the rail tracks leading into a tunnel. It is addressed to Reg's parents. He is travelling by train to Brandon, Manitoba.

A postcard of Niagara Falls from Reg to his parents.

The letter regrets that Reg is reported missing. It explains Reg's voluntary allotment from his pay.

Recollection of work Ken Hicks carried out during the Battle of Britain on 222 Squadron at Royal Air Force Hornchurch. He notes that 37 pilots of 222 Squadron fought in the battle and 18 were killed.

The letter advises that Reg's effects have been sent by train.

The letter thanks Mr Wilson for the signed Form of Indemnity for Reg's effects.

A letter about Reg's personal effects including an inventory.

The letter expresses sadness that Reg is missing.

The message states that Reg is a prisoner of war.

The letter asks if Reg has made private arrangements to send her funds.

The letter acknowledges receipt of Reg's order book. She will now receive a monthly payment of ten shillings and sixpence per week.


The letter asks Mrs Wilson to return Reg's order book. She will then receive ten shillings and sixpence each week from the RAF agents.


The letter advises that now that he is known to be a prisoner of war then the proper paperwork will be forwarded to Germany.
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