Browse Items (718 total)

  • Conforms To is exactly "Geolocated"

A vertical aerial photograph of an attack on Sterkrade. Road patterns and housing are clearly visible. It is captioned '2314 LCF 6-10-44 // 7 [deleted]/02 1715 Sterkrade Rd [deleted] Sgt Goodrum R [deleted]'

A vertical aerial photograph of an attack on Koblenz. Most of the image is obscured by cloud and bomb explosions. In the top left corner is a wide river. It is captioned '2728 LCF 29-12-44// 8" [deleted] Koblenz/Mosel M/Y R [deleted] C35 secs F/O…

A vertical aerial photograph of an attack on Soesterberg airfield. The image is mostly clear and shows many bomb craters. The caption underneath is overexposed and apart from the airfield name and 'Sgt Goodrum' is indecipherable.

A vertical aerial photograph of Oostkapelle. Much detail is visible on the ground. It is captioned '2441 LCF 28-10-44//7" 4000 104 1149 Oostkapelle W19.Z. 1 HC 2000 In.7 ANM59DN. 4 MC 500DT. C24 secs. P/O Goodrum Z640'.

Pilots flying log book for J S Ross, covering the period from 19 July 1941 to 23 December 1942. Detailing his flying training and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Peterborough, RAF Little Rissington, RAF Upavon, RAF Church Lawford, RAF…

A vertical aerial photograph taken over fields. A road meanders from left to right.
It is annotated '2211 812. 6000 5" 11-6-44'

Aerial photograph of a newly constructed facility with rail tracks leading into at least two tunnels.
It is annotated '711 812 6000 5" 11-6-44'

A vertical aerial photograph of the bombing of the Tirpitz. Much of the image is obscured by smoke and explosions. Tirpitz can be seen right of centre. Anti-aircraft fire can be seen to the top of the photograph. Three bomb explosions in the water…

A near vertical aerial photograph of Bergen Harbour, showing its entire layout, with the town in the centre. In the town the seven-sided lake, Lille Lungegardsvannet, next to the Festplassen can be identified. Above this is the large body of water…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an operation at Julich. The top right quarter is obscured by smoke and explosions. In the bottom right is a Halifax. The image is captioned ' 2792 L.SGN 16-11-44 // 8" 15000' 1536.36 Julich R .1 HC4000 IN…

A vertical aerial photograph of Wesel, orientated with south to the top. Wesel is not covered by the photograph but lies below the bottom edge. However, the Wesel-Datteln Kanal is clearly visible, cutting across the middle of the frame, as are the…

A clear, vertical, aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Rheydt, a borough of Mönchengladbach, orientated with south-east at the top edge. There are open fields visible in the upper left, upper right and the lower right corners of…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation at Trier. Some industrial buildings can be seen on the left. Details in the central area are obscured by smoke from explosions. The photograph is captioned:'1659 SDL 23.12.44 // 7" 17500…

A vertical aerial photograph of Hangelar (Bonn) airfield taken during a bombing operation. The image is orientated with south-east at the top edge. A large, bright glare obscures most of the ground detail but the River Seig is visible, meandering…

A vertical aerial photograph of Bocholt. On the left side is the distinctive diamond shape of Friedhof Bocholt cemetery and on the middle left edge is the artificial lake, the Bocholter Aasee. The upper left quarter of the image shows open…

A vertical aerial photograph of Vohwinkel, near Wuppertal, orientated so that the top edge is roughly south. The multi-track railway is obvious and runs from the lower left corner to a large marshalling yard at the mid-right edge. A branch line joins…

A vertical aerial photograph of Rheydt, near Mönchengladbach. The railways clearly stand out, one entering the image at lower right, branching out into a marshalling yard and another sweeping in from the upper right corner of the image. The centre…

A vertical aerial photograph of the centre of Saarbrücken, orientated with south-east at the top and clearly showing the River Saar. Cloud and/or smoke covers parts of the town but residential areas, the railway and other details can still be seen.…

A vertical target photograph of Ludwigshafen, orientated with the south west at the top. In the lower left corner is a bend in the River Rhine and the entrance to Kaiserworthhafen docks. Just visible at the bottom edge is the end of Luitpoldhafen…

Target photograph of Lubeck, annotated NS 6/5 Dupe Neg No 243, 1 JY19NT28/29 .3.42 F8 TX.

A vertical aerial photograph of Hangelar airfield, Bonn.

Target photograph of Vohwinkel. In the lower right quadrant rail tracks and sidings are visible, alongside which is a distinctive complex of roads and buildings. The buildings and streets of Gräfrath can be seen at the centre left of the image while…

A target photograph of snow covered Koln-Gremberg. In the upper, right quadrant are some marshalling yards and the River Rhine, partially obscured by cloud. In the upper and lower left quadrants is a main railway line. At upper centre is an area of…

Target photograph of Wesel. Some roads and railway tracks can be seen in the upper half while at the centre there are several plumes of smoke. The whole area is covered by thin cloud.
It is captioned: "2952 MEP. 16.2.45//7" 19,000' 112º 1600 WESEL.…
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