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  • Contributor is exactly "Alessandro Pesaro"

A fire is raging on the deck of the Espero. Explosions send large amounts of water shooting up into the sky. A second vessel, engulfed in flames and smoke, is visible in the background.

Label reads “8”; signed by the author; caption reads…

A submarine is surfacing near a life raft with six figures on board. On the life raft, there are two masts connected by a line. At one end of the line, a pair of trousers is hanging. Below the trousers is a figure standing up and waving both arms in…

In the centre of the painting is a lifeboat in choppy seas with at least eight people on board. A shirt and some trousers are tied to the two masts of the lifeboat and are blowing in the wind. A man wearing a white uniform with a red emblem on his…

A raft has fourteen people on board. Some are wearing white caps and two are wearing red life jackets around their necks. Several of the occupants of the raft are injured. Sharks are circling the raft.

Label reads “18”; signed by the author;…

At the back of a raft, a man dressed in a blue uniform is saluting. One semi-clothed man, wearing a red life jacket around his neck, stands to his right watching other men carrying out a burial at sea. The dead man has blood on his chest. An Italian…

Two life rafts packed with survivors in distress meet in shark-infested waters. Several of the survivors are injured.

Label reads “16”; signed by the author; caption reads “(10) … al 3o giorno del 36 uomini raccolti, soltanto 14 rimanevano…

An exchange of salvos is taking place between three Regia Marina vessels and seven Royal Navy ships crossing a calm sea. Plumes of black smoke are billowing out of the funnels. Shell splashes are occurring around the Italian ships.

Label reads…

Four vehicles or artillery pieces can be seen on the horizon with black smoke rising to the sky. Buildings have been bombed. Flames, smoke and rubble are shooting into the sky. In the foreground, nine German soldiers are firing rifles and an…

A mass execution of Jews is taking place whilst fierce fires are burning in the background. To the front of the crowd, many have been killed and are lying on the ground. Others are being herded into the mass of people being killed, some holding up…

Two aircraft attack an industrial complex surrounded by a canal. An explosion has occurred behind one of the two main buildings. Flames and smoke can be seen whilst the bombing aircraft ascends into the sky. The second aircraft is flying towards the…

A mushroom cloud is prominent in the top of the painting with a smaller cloud lower down on a pillar of flame. Below that is a scene of mass devastation.

Inscriptions read “315” signed by the author; caption reads “(6)… Poi la testa del…

Buildings are engulfed in flames and a mushroom-shaped cloud of smoke and fire starts to expand over the town. Mass devastation is visible.

Inscriptions read “314” signed by the author; caption reads “(5)…E finalmente la sommità si aprì…

Buildings and people (visible as stick figures at the bottom of the image) are engulfed in flames as a column of fire and smoke rises into the sky.

Inscriptions read “313” signed by the author; caption reads “(4)… Alla fine quella sorta di…

While fire is engulfing the town, a mushroom-shaped fire-ball and smoke rise into the sky.

Inscriptions read “312”; signed by the author; caption reads “(3)… Poi sopra la palla di fuoco, apparve una colonna incandescente di colore rosso…

An enormous fireball is expanding above a built-up area, surrounded by rings of smoke. Building are destroyed and lattice structures have been thrown up in the air.

Inscriptions read “311”; signed by the author; Caption reads “(2)… alla…

An enormous explosion is occurring above a built-up area. Buildings are destroyed and lattice structures have been thrown into the air.

Inscriptions read “311”; signed by the author; Caption reads “HJROSHIMA E NAGASAKI 5-9 Agosto 1945.…

In a barn full of animals, an exchange of gun fire is taking place between fascists disguised as partisans and civilians. The soldier in the foreground has been badly shot and another soldier is running out through the barn doors.


A screaming naked man is suspended across a cell by ropes tied around his wrists, looped over a hook on the wall, and his ankles, looped through the bars of a window. The rope threaded through the window is held by a uniformed figure. A bucket is…

Members of the Unione Nazionale Protezione Antiaerea are clearing the rubble and debris of a severely damaged terraced building. Another broken wall is visible on the right of the picture. A woman and a young girl are stopped by one of the men on the…

In a prison cell, a man covered in blood and chained to the wall is being tortured by three fascists in military uniform. Irons are being heated up in a brazier in the centre of the room. Bloody hand-prints are visible on the walls amongst…

During the night, the destroyer Vivaldi sails in rough seas around a peninsula. The land is very barren with only a few wooded areas and some white houses near to the seashore.
Label reads “61”; signed by the author; caption reads “8……

On a clear day and in a calm sea, the destroyers Malocello and Vivaldi are manoeuvring. The vessel in the middle has been badly damaged and is engulfed in flames. Figures can be seen on deck. The vessels on the horizon have also been hit and flames…

On a clear day and in turbulent seas, the Vivaldi is engulfed in flames and black smoke. Figures in uniforms are trying to escape in three lifeboats that have been launched. Two figures are on deck trying to put out the flames using a hosepipe and a…

The destroyer Vivaldi rams the HMS Oswald (N58). Black smoke is billowing out of the main funnel.

Label reads “58”; signed by the author; “5… una delle precedent azioni dell‘eroico CCTT, lo speronamento del sommergibile inglese…

On calm seas, the destroyers Vivaldi and Malocello exchange salvos with HMS Foresight (H68). The three vessels are engulfed in flames and black smoke is billowing upwards. Shells are exploding in the water near the Italian destroyer on the left of…
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