Battle of the Espero convoy. Part 12



Battle of the Espero convoy. Part 12


A raft has fourteen people on board. Some are wearing white caps and two are wearing red life jackets around their necks. Several of the occupants of the raft are injured. Sharks are circling the raft.

Label reads “18”; signed by the author; caption reads “(12) …cambiò il vento, e la zattera scarocciava s’allontanava inesorablimente dalla terra. Spuntò l’alba, e in mezzo al mare, quella terra che per un momento era apparsa come un miraggio di salvezza, non si vedeva piu. Ci trovammo ancora una volta soli sotto l’inclemente volta del cielo, sospesi sull‘abisso del mare; ma ecco che sul mare, appare un punto nero, remando lo raggiungemmo, era una scialuppa abbandonata, 14 remi giacciono legati agli scalmi, c’è una gaffa di attacco, un‘asta di bandiera, un’ancorotto, un fanale a candela, una bussola, un fanale donatta [Donath] da segnalazione, una pistola very, con 30 fuochi, 5 elmetti d’acciaio francesi, 3 impermeabili e nelle tasche, fiammiferi, guanti, sciarpe e passamontagna. E quttro barilotti, di 50 litri ciascuno, pieni d’aqua dolce…”

Caption translates as: “(12)… the wind changed and the raft drifted leeward, relentlessly moving away from the land. The sun rose. Amidst the sea, the land, that just a moment before appeared like tantalising salvation, disappeared. Once again, we found ourselves on our own under the merciless sky, suspended on the deep sea. Then a black dot appeared on the sea and we started rowing to reach it. It was an abandoned lifeboat containing fourteen oars, tied to the oarlocks, a grappling hook, a flagpole, a small anchor, a navigation light, a compass, a Donath signalling lamp, a Very flare gun with thirty shots, five steel French helmets, and three raincoats. In the pockets [of the raincoats] there were matchsticks, gloves, scarves, and balaclavas. Then four small barrels of freshwater, 50 litres each”

Temporal Coverage

Spatial Coverage




One tempera on paper, pasted on mount board


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Angiolino Filiputti, “Battle of the Espero convoy. Part 12,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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