Browse Items (35952 total)

Head and shoulders portrait of Eric in uniform.
Annotated 'Eric RAFVR b. 4.5.24 k. 28.10.44

Four trainees in flying suits and boots and a fifth in uniform standing outside by huts at elementary gunnery school. A further two airmen are watching in the background. Eric Bailey is second from right. Annotated on the reverse: 'Eric at…

Exhibit displaying wooden cross from Eric Bailey's grave. There is a framed head and shoulders photograph of Sgt Bailey in uniform on the left of the cross and a framed account of his death on the right of the cross.

'Sgt. Bailey was killed…

Twelve trainees in uniform standing and sitting outside a hut. Trainees are wearing side caps, have whistles clipped to their collars and name tags on their chests. No brevets on their uniform. An instructor with an air gunner brevet is standing…

Newspaper article reporting Eric Bailey's death. A head and shoulders photograph of Eric Bailey in uniform is included.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A cream coloured model elephant, measuring approximately 2.5 cm by 2.5 cm. A piece of black string is tied around the model so that it could be hung up. Found in the wallet of Sergeant Eric Hargreaves.

Dark brown Bakelite pledge of victory cross, found in Sergeant Eric Bailey's wallet. Measures approximately 5 cm by 3cm and depicts the crucifixion in relief on the front. There are indecipherable letters in a scroll above Christ's head. There…


Twenty four airmen in uniform seated and standing outside a building. Two men on the front row are wearing peaked caps, remaining men wearing side caps.

Ten airmen in uniform seated and standing outside a hut. Annotated: 'A Squad on left of photograph' and with the following names: A Squad: Considine, Bellamy, Anyan, Barkway, Ashplant, Bee, Barrett, Dawkins, Chapman, Anderson. B Squad: Ewings,…

Five rows of airmen in uniform, all members of Number 3 Initial Training Wing, seated and standing outside a building. Annotated on the mount: 'D Flight, No 2 Squadron, 3 ITW, April 1941'.

A summary of the RAF career of Sergeant Dick Anyan (1259839) written by his nephew. Details are provided of two operations flown in a Handley Page Hampden (P4398) with 106 Squadron. On an operation to bomb Emden Dick Anyan's fellow airmen were:…

Seven airmen in uniform sitting on a bomb on a trolley next to a Lancaster. 'K2' painted on the side of the fuselage. Annotation: 'Air crew on a 1,000 pound bomb, with a Lancaster bomber'. [actually a 4,000 lb 'cookie']

Identity card with descriptive details, two head and shoulders photographs and a fingerprint.

Identity card with descriptive details, one head and shoulders photograph and a fingerprint.

Four rows of airmen of 214 Squadron, in uniform, standing and seated in front of a Short Stirling bomber.
Annotated on reverse 'BBMF: 532'.

A head and shoulders portrait of John wearing a trainees cap.

Notes written on the back of a postcard. Reference is made to the weather(rain), England winning the test and Germany not to intervene in Spain.

An armband for the military group.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Three head and shoulders portraits of John. In the first two he is in uniform but in the third he is dressed as a civilian.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A very large group of men arranged at the front and on top of a Lancaster.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A large group of men arranged under and on top of a Stirling bomber. A dog is front central.

Three newspaper cuttings relating to a ferry plane crash. The individuals involved are named and the third article contains obituaries of the deceased.


A newspaper cutting reporting Winston Churchill on two wartime related issues. The first is about the continued threat from U-boats and the second an explanation about Britain's role in Syria.

The newspaper cutting reports that John Mansell is a prisoner of war.

An invitation to a dance issued to Miss Jankauskiene and escort.
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