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  • Tags: RAF North Creake

Dennis joined the Royal Air Force (RAF) in 1943 as a rear gunner. His training took place in Porthcawl on Ansons, and in Bridlington. At the Operational Training Unit, he trained on Wellingtons and Stirlings, and crewed up. He joined 199 Squadron,…

Roy was born in Northampton and was evacuated from Becontree in London to Weston-super-Mare. He gained his degree from Queen Mary College, London, which was evacuated to Cambridge.

After the Air Training Corps, Roy was called up to be a…

Steve Ellams is the son of a wireless operator who flew in a number of different aircraft. During the war he flew initially in Sunderlands overseas before being posted back to the UK. He started operational flying in Bomber Command with 199 Special…

He and his crew members baled out after running out of fuel in cloud and with navigational equipment failure. He had landed near Montigny, in France and after help from a farmer met up with his crew at Donnemarle. They were flown back to Croydon the…

The letter reports her son as missing but advising he may have escaped.

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