Browse Items (35376 total)

Two images of a printed flyer containing advertisements and a street map for various business in Durban.

A ticket for the Flannel Dance at Durban YMCA. Features Dennis Abraham and his orchestra. Price 1s 6d to members of the forces.

Letter from supreme allied commander before D-Day.

Two letters written by Dwight Eisenhower to Sir Arthur Harris. The first compliments Harris on his performance at Caen. The second reflects on the Normandy campaign and thanks Harris for his skill and dedication.
On the reverse 'These enclosed with…

With thanks to Sir Arthur T Harris for support provided and complimenting him on his performance in the Caen area.

Congratulatory letter from group headquarters on award of Distinguished Flying Cross

He tells her how pleased he is to hear good news regarding her husband. He imparts all the local news, including the birth of a baby boy. Mentions flying bombs giving friends a hard time in London.

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Writes expressing deep sorrow that Mr Wareing has been reported missing, from himself and other members of the community.

Letter concerns information for temporary officers being selected for permanent commissions. Information on individual requests for commission cannot be given until the composition of the post war air force has been determined. A number of really…

Copy sent to Wing Commander Donaldson. Relates to Daily Mirror newspaper cutting which is amusing to all at RAF Foulsham. Relates incident to 192 squadron Halifax at RAF Staverton. No official action was taken over incident but story has rolled on.

A booklet of war time cartoons. The second page contains names, addresses and signatures of colleagues.

Letter covering the return of John Turner's log book which is no longer required by the Royal Air Force.

Sends congratulations on Harold Wakefield's award of Distinguished Flying Cross which author had seen in the papers. Catches up with and other family news.

Letter from Harry Brooks' father ('Pop') to his daughter-in-law Winnie. His wife has written to Winnie asking that her daughter Pamela be sent to stay with them but without inviting Winnie herself. He does not agree with his wife's attitude towards…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 212-1.jpg
Address of E C Bennett in London.

Letter from E Coleby, regional solicitors at Kings Cross station stating that he has a vacancy in his office for a solicitor of common law. Handwritten note a at foot 'wrote accepting 6.1.48, offered job 750/900 [....]'.

Writes that they are sending them two photographs of Sgt Luxton's grave at Bernay. Gives some advice to Mrs Luxton how to deal with grief.

Happy returns from Ethel Dixon.

Congratulates him on award of what writer humorously calls 'Dammed Smart Officer'. Hope family are well. Written on Ministry of Health headed paper. Signed Eric. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Made out to Raettig D W stating that he will have to report in time when notified. In the meantime he remains on the reserve with no pay. he is required to keep current employment and notify any change of address.

Writes advising her that instructions for the release of her husband’s car have been given to his former unit and that the documents for the car will be forwarded to her in due course.

Encloses an number of documents that she had requested.

Letter from Eric Farmer (ex RAF Sergeant) stating he used to be with Cheshire on 35 Squadron requesting asking him to give talk to the Dewsbury British Legion.

She writes that Ron has died and asks him to write back. If John wishes to visit his grave then she will assist.
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