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  • Tags: aircrew

Five airmen, wearing leather jackets, stand in a row alongside a Stearman with others beyond. The man in the centre wears a side cap and has his arms around the shoulders of the other men.

Photograph of British servicemen in khaki uniform marching through town with spectators behind. Titled 'American heroes day 12 July 1942'. Captioned 'Albany Georgia USA, the British march through, Royal Air Force cadets class 43 B'.

Bride and groom in centre with two older couples either side and another two couples (men in uniform) at right and left. All standing in line in front of stone building.

Bride, groom and two other couples. All the men wear RAF uniform tunics with brevet, the ladies skirt suits. Bride holds bouquet.

An RAF flight sergeant wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet standing next to his bride wearing skirt suit and holding bouquet. In the background a stone built building.

Top left - bride and groom cutting cake while a seated lady looks on. Groom wearing RAF uniform tunic with pilot's brevet.
Bottom right - large, 15 person wedding party take in front of church. Brides and groom at centre, groom plus two others in…

Top - a long table with wedding cake and other faire being admired by three ladies in a crowd.
Bottom Bride and groom seated behind wedding cake on table in front. Groom wearing RAF uniform tunic with pilot's brevet.

Top - wedding party with bride, groom and two other couples. All three men wearing RAF uniform tunics with brevet and ladies in wedding attire. Bride carries bouquet. All in front of a stone walled building.
Bottom - larger bridal group with the…

Top - A group with groom, an RAF fight sergeant, wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and his bride along with two other servicemen wearing tunics with half brevet and two ladies as well as the bride. Another man an woman in the background, Photo taken…

Left - a serviceman wearing Khaki uniform standing in front of a building. captioned 'Les'.
Middle - and RAF sergeant pilot wearing tunic with brevet standing alongside a sergeant wearing battledress, both in front of a window in a brick built…

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Left - an RAF officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and peaked cap walking along street with a woman wearing a dress.
Middle left - an RAF officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet standing alongside a woman wearing a dress in front of a brick…

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A newspaper report on Denis Alexander's funeral. Annotated 'Wednesday's paper'.

The death of Denis Alexander reported in a newspaper.

Denis Alexander's death recorded in a newspaper article.

A newspaper cutting recording the death of Denis Alexander.

Copy of Denis Alexander's death certificate

A receipted invoice for Denis Alexander's funeral.

The writer expresses sympathy on the loss of Denis. He describes the events of the accident.

Six cloth badges from Denis' service
#1 Leading aircraftsman's badge
#2 Tropical eagle
#3 Engineer's brevet
#4 Observer brevet
#5 Corporal's stripes
#6 Sergeant's stripes

Both sides of a 1939-1945 War Medal awarded to Denis. Also a transmittal note expressing sorrow at his loss of life.

Left - two airmen, one sitting on chair, the other on the ground outside, both looking through binoculars. In the background buildings. Right - six airmen standing in front of a Wellington with covered cockpit.

Left - two airmen, one wearing battledress the other uniform tunic, both with side caps standing outside a brick building. Bicycles leaning against wall behind.
Right - an RAF corporal wearing tunic and smoking a pipe standing outside a brick…
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