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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Speculates over future and says he was looking forward to getting to farm with Harry again and it was disappointing watching the years go by in a prisoner of war camp. Says he was still reading about agriculture.

Writes to let him know that all was going well and thanks him for letter and offer to take him on at the farm. Catches up with family news.

Writes that he is well and mentions activities and future ambition to farm and asks for her views.

Thanks her for letters and says life there continues the same. Mentions friend in camp and his studies. Mentions that it was getting chilly and expects severe winter.

Writes he is keeping fit and not taking much exercise apart from walking round compound. Mentions book he is reading, that his hair was growing and comments on weather.

Writes that he was keeping fit and had received letters. Comments spring was near and they had had good weather in contrast to winter. Longs to be free.

Writes a card because he is in the mood. Reminisces of home and says he had received all their parcels. Writes that he does not need any more clothes. Catches up with family news and mentions other mail received.

Writes of delays in mail from home. Asked if the government have published their plans for ex servicemen yet. Mentions Rhodesian prisoner arriving from Italy recently. Says they are all keeping fit.

Reports arrival of latest letters. Speculates over when they could get to England after the war and whether he will be sent directly home. Mentions land settlement and passes on news of a friend.

Reports arrival of letters dated January and comments on news about Christmas at home and other news.

Writes that he would be thinking of them both on their birthdays. Asks what they would like him to buy them as present in England when he was released.

Thanks them for present of cigarettes and tobacco. Good to hear that tobacco crops had been good that year.

Writes that he is well and that he had received no letters as yet. Writes that they had a merry Christmas as were allowed some beer. Mentions entertainment and seeing new year in. Says contact Red Cross or post office for most suitable writing paper.

Thanks him for his letter and says not to worry about him. Will write again but limited post and nothing happens there anyway. Looking forward to seeing them again sometime.

Writes he has not received any mail since his last letter and reiterates that airmail is best. Hopes she is settling down to new home and commiserates over family issue. Comments on recent weather and says he has no news.

Short note to let them know he is well and hopes they have received his letters.

Writes that he is trying to send mail via the Red Cross in Geneva and via Tangiers and suggests they reply through the American consul in Tunis. Suggest they enquire about air mail and cables. Reports he is keeping well.

Reports he is still well but has still not received any news from them. Recommends methods that they might try to reach him through various organisations. Wishes them happy Christmas.

Writes that he is well and wishes them happy Christmas. Reports he is still without news from them and he wonders why as mail is getting through. Suggests sending by air mail as well as cable. .

Reports arrival of two letters from them and an aunt. Hopes they had a happy Christmas and asks them to thank everyone who asked after them. Mentions he has also written a letter to them.

Wishes them happy new year and mentions the weather. Reports he is still well and hopes that they would received several of his letter by then.

Catches up with mail sent and received and urges them to sent him post by air mail. Comments that countryside is much greener after the rain and there were no insects and life would be good as long as they got use to the food.

Reports arrival of three of their letters. Catches up with family news and is glad they had received his letters. Glad that all is well at home and hopes it will not be long before they are together again. Writes he is still keeping well.

Catches up with mail sent and received. Writes he is well and comments on weather. Concludes some of their letters are going astray. Mentions they have new quarters which are better. Suggest that hey do not try to send anything as parcels do not get…

On the address side a small photograph of a woman in Arab dress exposing a breast. Captioned 'Belle Mauresque'. Hopes they will excuse postcard but he could not get a plain postcard. Catches up on letters sent and received and says he is writing a…
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