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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Needs to get letter off in hope it will arrive by Christmas. Wishes him best Christmas greetings under his trying circumstances. Hopes he will be home next Christmas. Wonders what he will think of Nelson and their house. Catches up with news and…

Eight weeks since last letter and getting anxious. Sent cable with pre-paid reply last Saturday. Mentions activity round North Africa and hopes they will soon get good news. Writes of visit to library and getting out book about Laghouat which she…

Glad to receive cable from him as no letters for eight weeks. Glad he is getting letters and hopes calendars will arrive soon. Understand a little why no letters due to disturbance in his part of world recently. Catches up with family news and asks…

Writes about the weather and reminisces over past events. Asks if they have fog in Laghouat and talks of weather there. Sent cable previous day but wonders if circumstances in North Africa men cables will be stopped. No letter from him for nine weeks…

Delighted cable seventeenth, still await further news, all love.

Nine weeks since last letter but glad they still get cables. Writes of her current activities and of getting relay wireless service for one shilling a week. Wonders how he is faring in his new camp. Catches up with family news and correspondence from…

Nine weeks since last letter but understands difficult circumstances and glad to stay in touch by cable. Passes on news from friends letter but surprised they did not understand why he had not replied to letter from them. Writes that father is now…

Glad to receive cable from him which arrived day it was sent. Was becoming anxious as no letter from him for ten weeks although they understand disturbed conditions affecting mail. Thanks him for offering them radiogram as Christmas present and…

Three weeks to Christmas, so sending greetings and hopes message gets to him in time. No letters from him for ten weeks but she keeps sending theirs in the hope that he will get some of them. Describes some activities and comments on weather. Passes…

Writes that father is off on duty. Mentions letter from relative inviting them for Christmas and passes on other news. Not sure if they will go due to travel difficulties. Wishes they could get some letters from him as eleven weeks since last one.…

Deeply moved message twenty-ninth gift unobtainable. Still eagerly await letter eleven weeks, love. Letter has corrections in red ink and message in French from post.

Still waiting for letter from him, none for eleven weeks. Hopes for peace and reunion with him. Two weeks until Christmas and he would be in their thoughts. Mentions reading in newspaper that residents of Algiers were supplying warm clothing until…

Writes they have had no letters from him now for twelve weeks and she has written 30 to him in that time. Comments on the December weather and says looking forward to spring. Mentions a book about Laghouat that she has read. Asks if they are able to…

Still no letters from him but they are trying to be brave and patient. Awaiting reply to recent cable. Mentions going into town to post letters and cards. Writes that she had received Christmas ration of sweets and chocolate from the grocer and that…

Reports arrival of six letters from him written in August and September. Glad he has access to books and enjoyed news of birthday party and culinary efforts. Comments on other content of letters. Catches up with news of activities and of friends.…

Delighted six letters Sunday. Latest September seventeenth. Cable yesterday reciprocate thoughts and wishes all love.

Just arrived back after Christmas visit to relatives to find cable from him postmarked 25 December. Could not stay with relatives as long as planned because of problems of trains to get home. Writes of Christmas activities and catches up with other…

Writes answering question he asked in letter dated 24 August about fathers smoking habits. Comments on food, scarcity of grapes in England and cost of tomatoes. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news of friends.

Written on new years night and mentions father going out and that they are thinking of him. Awaiting next batch of letters from him and noted that 6 arrived on 15 December with the last dated 17 September. Wonders whether he has enough warm food and…

Delighted cable arrived Christmas day all love and thoughts with you tomorrow happy new year.

Writes about the weather and relates broadcast about British climate. Awaiting letter and wondering how things are going in new camp and if he has enough food. Mentions reading newspaper with many different opinions and points of view. Mentions…

Writing first thing in morning and father has just gone out. Relates reading one of his letters from when he was in Aumale and says they have got through the dark days of winter and wonders if his spring is anything like theirs. Wonders whether he…

Writes of last letters received and latest cable. Asks about dogs he mentioned in camps and catches up with news of family and friends. Mentions other correspondence and passes on news. Writes of father going out on night duty and comments on the…

Writes of cold winter weather, wonders if he has warm clothes and food and wishes she had more frequent letters from him. Strange to have long delays as in the past they got letters regularly. Every day brings them closer to peace. Does not think he…

Writes of seeing father of on cold dark morning and is wondering what he was doing. Says she has written many times and what letters she gets from him bring her great joy. Thankful that he is alright and gets pleasure from games, tournaments and has…
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