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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 1

Four men, three carrying milk churns. behind is a hut.

A panoramic view of the camp from the roof of a hut. Several huts can be seen.

Seven airmen seated round a table. They are about to have Christmas dinner. The table is set with cutlery, glasses of beer, presents and a cake.

Blocks of huts and other buildings stand in the camp area. Sections of barbed wire and a guard tower are visible. In the distance, the Barth church tower.

Top - a panoramic view using three photographs of huts in POW camp captioned 'F32 Stalag Luft 1'.
Bottom left - view of single storey hut with icicles in foreground top. Captioned 'F34 Dulag Luft.
Bottom middle - a manned guard post behind barbed…

Top left - a guard tower taken through barbed wire. Captioned 'F36 Dulag Luft'.
Top middle - a wooden guard tower with telegraph wires and fence to the right and church in the background on the left. Captioned 'F29 Stalag Luft 1'.
Top right - a…

Top left - six prisoners of war sitting at table eating. Captioned 'B38 Christmas 1940, Dulag Luft'.
Top right - a large number of prisoners of war sitting at several long tables all looking at camera. Captioned 'B37 Christmas 1940, Dulag Luft'.…

Top left - seven men playing hockey on ice. Two are on the ground. In the background a guard tower and line of spectators. Captioned 'B21 Officers v NCO's, Stalag Luft 1. Feb [..]'.
Top middle - the backs of men playing ice hockey. In the…

Top left - a man looking closely at a model ship on a table. In the background other figures. Captioned 'A10 NCO's Arts and Crafts Exhib, Stalag Luft 3'.
Top middle - four posters/drawings mounted on wall. Captioned 'A15 NCO's Arts and Crafts…

Top left - parade of airmen wearing greatcoats standing in line in the snow. Captioned 'B47 Funeral of Sgt J C Shaw, Stalag Luft 1, Jan 42'.
Top right - propeller blades with iron cross and swastika on grave. Captioned 'Funeral of Sgt J C Shaw,…

Top left - German officer walking in front of horse drawn cortege with parade behind. Snow covered ground and in the background trees, Captioned 'B48 Funeral of Sgt J C Shaw, Stalag Luft 1, Jan 42'.
Top right - grave with flowers on top and trees…

Top left - eleven men standing and kneeling in three rows in front of a hut. Captioned 'B55 NCO's soccer team, Stalag Luft 1. 41'.
Top right - group of men wearing shorts and muddy kit in front of wire fence with huts and spectators behind.…

Top left - costumed actors and band of musicians on stage. Band has 'MM' on stands. Captioned 'B15 Officers' Show, Stalag Luft 1, 41'.
Top right - band of musicians on stage (with 'MM' on stands). Captioned 'B14 Officers' Show, Stalag Luft 1, 41'.…

Top left - blurred image of small unidentified model and a plaque. Captioned '[..........] arts and craft exhib, Stalag Luft 3, Aug [..]'.
Top middle - a model square rig sailing ship on a table. Captioned '[..] NCO's arts and crafts exhib, Stalag…

Page titled 'Meet Mrs Mandon, Stalag Luft 3, Nov 1942'
Top left - Blurred image of fourteen men in two rows wearing a variety of civilian dress. Captioned '[..] "Meet Mrs Mandon", Stalag Luft 3. Nov'.
Top right - two actors, one in white waiters…

Top left - Full length view of four men dressed in cowboy outfits standing in front of wooden hut. Captioned 'B10 "Aubrey Goes West", Stalag Luft 1, 41'.
Top middle - two men dressed as cowboy and cowgirl standing in front of wooden hut. Captioned…

Top left - four actors on stage one lying on the floor, wearing a variety of costumes, the one on the right dressed as a witch. Captioned 'Officers panto "Cinderella" Stalag Luft 1'.
Top right - actor dressed as a witch on stage. Captioned…

Top left - on stage, two actors dressed as women standing on the left and a man and woman sitting on the right. Captioned '[..] "Jack and the beanstalk", Stalag Luft 1, Xmas'.
Top right - head and shoulders image of two actors dressed in bonnets.…

Lists 'Dulag Luft, Stalag Luft 1, Bristow's Steam Boat'.

Title 'Oddments, Dulag Luft, Stalag Luft 1, Bristow's Steam Boat'.

Top left: wooden guard tower with wire fence in background. Captioned 'Stalag Luft 1'.
Top right: eight men in RAF uniform sitting round a table with bottles, beer glasses, cutlery and decorations. Captioned 'F35 Christmas 1940, Stalag Luft 1'.…

A biography of Jim Tyrie. He was called up on 1st September 1939 and learned to fly on Tiger Moths. He was shot down on his 7th operation over Berlin. In POW camp he was described as a dedicated tunneller. There is a list of the camps he was kept in…

Article headlines: gallantry in captivity, awards to airmen, many lives saved in Germany. OBEs for Group Captain Laurence F Wray RCAF shot down March 1944 for work done on evacuation of Stalag Luft 3. Wing Commander (acting Group Captain) Henry…

Photo 1 is a group of ten airmen inside the prison camp. Behind is a watch tower. It is captioned 'Jim 4th left standing'.
Photo 2 and 4 are 14 men in two rows beside a hut. It is captioned 'May purge from Dulag
Back: Libbey, Stratford, Norton,…

Photo 1 is two men standing in the snow.
Photo 2 is one man standing in the snow, captioned 'McGarr '41'
Photo 3 is two men standing in the snow.
Photo 4 is eight men standing in the snow.
Photo 5 is four men around a table, playing backgammon,…
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