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  • Tags: pilot

Lancaster in background, seven aircrew in flying clothing standing behind a large bomb on a trolley. On the reverse 'Crew of Lancaster P (Peter) DV229 463 Squadron RAAF Waddington Lincs 1943. Lancaster P (Peter) DV229 lost over Orleans night 10th…

Menu for wings dinner for No 33 Course at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Medicine Hat. Includes menu, toasts and autographs for H R Madgett and Ralph "Tuck" Hansel.

Newspaper account of parents' receipt of Hedley Madgett's Distinguished Flying Medal who was now presumed to have lost his life during low level attack on Peenemunde on 17/18 August 1943. Describes citation including attack on Oberhausen where…

Five Tiger Moth aircraft with large white numbers on their noses lined up on the edge of an airfield. In the background right a control tower.

Seven aircrew standing in front of a Lancaster, on the reverse '115 Squadron Witchford, F/L J G Sutherland RAAF and crew. Completed 30 ops. A4-D completed 105 operations.' The crew are listed on a separate note as 'F/O J G Sutherland RAAF pilot, F/S…

Two similar photographs taken from slightly different angles of four aircrew all wearing flying suit with two wearing flying helmet standing in front of a Harvard.

Full length portrait of Hedley Madgett wearing tunic with pilots brevet and sergeant's stripes and side cap standing in front of a building with trees to the left.

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Two aircrew wearing flying suit standing by the rear cockpit of a Tiger Moth. The man on the left has on a parachute and the man on the right is wearing flying helmet.

Head and shoulders portrait of a sergeant wearing tunic with pilots brevet and side cap. Signed 'H R Madgett, Feb 1942'. Captioned 'Pilot Officer H R Madgett, 127 Longlands road, Sidcup'.

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Seven aircrew, four standing with two kneeling in front, four are wearing parachute harness, three are wearing flying jackets. They are standing in front of an aircraft's open bomb door. Hedley Madgett is on the left wearing a side cap.

Two airmen in flying suits standing in snow embracing on a step in front of the door to a building. On the reverse 'Bill + Lucy, 32 EFTS, Swift Current Nov 1941'.

Two aircrew, the second obscured behind the first. The front man is carrying a parachute. In the background two Tiger Moths parked.

Royal Air Force pilot bevet

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56 Airman wearing tunic and side caps in four rows. Front row sitting on ground, second on chairs and the rear two standing. Title 'No 4 Flight, No 4 Squadron, 10 I.T.W, RAF, July 1941. On the reverse signatures. H R Madgett is eleventh down in…

35 airmen arranged in four rows. David Joseph is on the rear row, fourth from the left. On the reverse '17. Pre-AFU Course, Perth April-May 1943' and 'Subject back 4th from left'.

21 seated airmen arranged in two rows. Large tree and single storey buildings in background. On the reverse is 'AFU, Ossington. 1943'. David Joseph is third from the right on the back row.
Additional information about this item has been kindly…

An airman in uniform lying on a bed. On the reverse is a photographer's mark '328'.

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Half length portrait of David Joseph and Bill Harris. On the reverse 'Dave and Bill Harris. Bill killed on crashing 25.1 .47'.

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List of aircraft, Captain, sorties, bomb load, departure and arrival times and remarks. Officer commanding S/L Belasco, bomb load, fuel load and tonnage underneath.
On the second sheet a complete aircrew list of each aircraft.
On a third sheet is…

24 airmen arranged in three rows and captioned '207 Sqdn. Pilots May 1945.' On the reverse '406 Malcolm Staves'.

A group of seven airmen, including Malcolm Staves standing in front of a Lancaster. They are wearing full flying gear.

Sergeant J K Henson, Flight Sergeant A H D Batty and Sergeant L S Coleman all of 226 Squadron were awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal for the action around a daylight attack on Merville airfield.

Head and shoulders of Ken Thomas with pilots brevet and DFC ribbon, submitted with the caption 'Ken with his pilots wings and DFC'.

Cutting 1 is of David Llewellyn saying goodbye to Mrs Llewellyn. He is at the control of a light aircraft.
Cutting 2 is a group of civilians waving the light aircraft off.
The caption reads ' Taking off in his 40 horse-power midget plane...Flying…

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A mixed group comprising 17 airmen, three naval officers and one civilian. They are arranged in two rows in front of a single-storey wooden hut. On the reverse is '116 Sqn?'.

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