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  • Tags: pilot

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '+226.LMG. S/L Peterson. 429+'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '248 LMG F/O Pike 429'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '210.LMG. F/O Pope 429.'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated 'LMG. 207. F/O Powell, RO. 429'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Information supplied with the collection indicates the pilot is C. Ross.

Seven airmen arranged in a row. On the image is annotated '+217.LMG. F/O Rowe. 429+'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. On the image is annotated 'LMG172 P/O Thomas W.A.429'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '277.LMG. P/O Thorn. 429.'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '254.LMG. 7/3/45 P/O Turner R 429.'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated 'LMG. 429. 3-2-45 F/L Warrington'.

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '223LMG. W/O Williams. 429'.

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption on a second image. On the first image is annotated '270.LMG. F/O Wood. 429 - Sqd'

Ten airmen in two rows in front of a Halifax. The front row is holding a flag made from ladies bloomers. The Halifax has 45 operations marked on, a woman and 'She too knows how!'

Three photographs of three different airmen standing outside a brick building.

34 airmen arranged in three rows at Allerton Castle. Each individual is named in the caption.

Tags: ;

Five airmen and two women at a bar. Information supplied with the collection states 'Leeming Xmas Flying Control 1945 inc G.Capt Evans'. There is a caption but it is indecipherable.

A group of airmen and airwoman arranged outside a building. Additional information supplied with the collection states 'Outside HQ bldg Leeming circa 1944.45'.

Two airmen drinking tea and chatting. They are identified in additional information supplied with the collection as Philbin and Newsome.

A pilot with a Canadian shoulder tag in the cockpit of an aircraft.

A squadron leader seated at a desk doing paperwork. He has a DFC ribbon.

A squadron leader with a DFC ribbon. He is sitting in the cockpit. Underneath is a cartoon of an elf or gremlin.

A half length portrait of a pilot in dress uniform.

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Two airmen sitting on a sofa and a third leaning on the side. They are inside a Nissen hut.

Five airmen drinking tea. They are all in flying kit. The image is annotated 'PL19702'.

Five airmen arranged round a table. The airman in the centre is taking notes and an airman in a leather jacket is working with a map.The other three, including a pilot, are looking on.
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