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  • Tags: RAF Woodhall Spa

Writing while suffering from attack of dysentery. Tries to remember a joke about a chemist. Catches up with family news and gossip.

Still waiting to find out if he would get any leave. Catches up with family/friends news. Writes of not feeling well and speculates on causes. Continues to catch up with home news and gossip.

Writes that he was unlikely to get leave over Christmas and mentions other activities. Comments on poor weather and mentions an operation to the Baltic which was his 6th trip. Hoping for leave in January. Catches up with family news.

Writes about poor weather and having to do snow clearing. Had not done any more operations and comments on Russian's war progress. Catches up with family news.

Writes after recently arriving at new station. Comments on weather. Writes about his crew, pilot from New Zealand, engineer and wireless operator from London, bomb aimer from Derby and gunners from Hull and Preston. Comments that none of his old crew…

Writes that he had now recovered from illness and had recently done a seven mile route march. Catches up with news of friends and family and researching Navy matters. Continues with family gossip which reminded him of books he had read and comments…

Thanks her for recent letter. Writes that he was now doing daylight operations during which he felt safe as they were well protected. Catches up with family news and gossip. Hopes he might manage to get home. Mentions he was out celebrating but did…

To 54 Base Coningsby forwarding the names of two pilots who were anxious to return to operational duties on Mosquito. Squadron Leader C F Campbell DSO, DFC and Flight Lieutenant R T Fleming DFC. Includes operational history.

To officer at Central Medical Establishment thanking him for letter stating that he will get the medical officer to complete special fitting mentioned.

Acknowledges letter of 13 January 1944. Does not consider that blame for over payment lies with him. Asks that they confirm he actually received the money. Once confirmed he would pay the whole amount by cheque.

States he has no vacancy at the moment but will have in a few days and writes he would like him then.

States he would be pleased to have Stult there but he cannot affect postings. Suggest Stult put in an application for him and crew. He would need to come with his crew as it would be impossible to find him one there.

Letter to Royal Aircraft Establishment thanking them for looking after them on their visit, which will be of great help in future plans.

From Royal Aircraft Establishment. Thanks him for enlargement of Limoges. Also thanks him for information about side-slip and add some experiences.. Mentions horizon and that they have received two Mustangs for marking. Would like to call at…

Requests supply of two dozen chamois leathers at price quoted of 45 shillings per dozen.

Thanks him for letter and invitation but as he is now in command of a squadron it is impossible for him to make any arrangements.

To chief engineer of Messier Aircraft Equipment Ltd thanking him for diary. Provides a pleasant memory of three years flying Halifax. Writes he is now flying Lancaster but hopes they can meet again.

Thanks him for letter and is glad he is making excellent progress.

Requests supply of two dozen Merlin 20, 22, and 38 fuel computers. Recognises that supply is limited but current squadron operations require strict watch on fuel consumption not possible with current equipment.

Assures the sergeant that he will try his best to fulfil his request and that he would write if he has any success..

Letter to officer at RAF Film Production Unit thanking him for three films and expressing his appreciation.
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