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  • Tags: faith

She thanks him for writing and is amused about his comments on the after-life, but tells him how worried she had been when she had heard that 19 bombers had been missing. She goes on to tell him of domestic matters and hopes for leave soon.

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Writes of good weather, her activities and that she is still hoping he will get leave. Continues with discussion of his and her faith, baptism of baby daughter and prospective god parents.


Letter from a friend that provides some information on operation on which Malcolm Payne went missing. Operation was to Culmont Chaldarey [sic] on 12/13 July and according to BBC, 13 aircraft lost. Goes on to cover statistics of survival of crews…

Writes he is still waiting to return to unit. Catches up with mail to and from and writes of religious matters. Asks about father's health and continues with more religious discussion. Explains about camp and camp hospitals with explanation of how…


Apologises for not writing sooner and describes activities as reasons. Describes recent leave activities. Complains about Yorkshire but says he is pleased to be on Halifax. Mentions mass every Sunday and acting as permanent altar boy. Comments on…

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Writes that mail has caught up with him. Mentions Jim had been in hospital. Says he had been shifted about and describes activities on recent weekend in local town. Mentions chapel is only a few huts away from his and they have mass a couple of time…


Catches up with news and says he had been pretty lucky getting onto a modern liner with good food and weather. Writes a little about his activities. Mentions daily mass and that he knows many on board. Concludes with comments about friends and…


Writes about recent mail and catches up with family and friends news. Comments on conditions at his location including recent snow and thaw and burst water pipes. Reports arrival of cake and going to other nearby station to see Australian newsreels.…

Catches up with mail and family news and says that life is monotonous. His new skipper is on a course but would be back soon. Reports arrival of cake and hamper and says not to send anymore and discusses mail. More family and friends news and notes…

Letter of sympathy that her husband is reported missing from operations.

Sorry to hear bad news and offers sympathy.


Number 172-29. Delighted to get two letters from her and thrilled to hear of birthday gift although he states he is not a virtuoso on the violin. Red cross violin has not arrived but German one has been repaired. Catches up with family friends news…

Number 16. Reports on letters that have arrived. Mentions money he left in his locker at the squadron and discusses finances and income tax. Thrilled with photographs Barbara sent. Writes about life in camp, room mates, his daily routine, Red Cross…

Number 17. Lists letters that have arrived. Apologises for upsetting her about food but things are much better now if largely vegetarian. He appreciates her efforts to organise food parcels. He writes that he is coping well. Asks her to enquire if…

Number 23. No mail since last card. Is fit and has enough to eat. No exercise for two months but hopes to play soccer soon. Has had notification of books on their way but no sign of clothing food or tobacco parcels. Has joined newly opened Toc H…

Number 27. He explains that, due to lack of time, he has had to curtail some of his activities. He writes he has little time to exercise and that he has abandoned any form of religion. He mentions a number of family members and friends who have…

Writes of his experiences at Receiving Centre. Includes account of journey back to centre. Says it was good to see her. Continues with description of activities and fellow trainees. Includes humorous account of being sorted by religion.

Thanks her for letter and cake. Says he is unhappy particularly over rainy weather and polishing boots. Writes of church parade and offending the padre with swearing. Continues with recounting visit to local ladies for afternoon tea. Continues…

Number 85-142. Writes of potential house purchase and problems ahead. Discusses financial matters and instruction sent about RAF pay through Red Cross. Discusses name for new house. Puzzled about watch she is wearing. Mentions his lack of religion…

Number 162-19. Reports he is delighted by arrival of 12 letters, six from her, congratulates her on content and replies to her news. Mentions daughter, religion, family and wife's activities. Still no sign of clothing parcels and asks her to check…

Acknowledging that they both now know that their husbands had been killed in action. Says they should be proud of them and mentions she is fortunate because she has three children. Offers sympathy.

He writes of activities at RAF Silverstone and encloses a bank statement from the National Provincial Bank Limited showing he is £149.9.7 in credit.

Letter from the Chaplain at Royal Air Force Oakington to Mrs Wilson expressing his sympathy that her husband and his crew did not return from an operation to Nuremberg the previous evening.

Catches up with family news and discusses the christening of his nephew and whether he will be able to attend. Remarks that being a Christian has made being in the RAF 'such a grand enjoyment' rather than a 'misery'.

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Bill writes home describing saying goodbye to everyone at the chapel, his experience of Christmas 1941 and the antics of his fellow cadets. He writes 'Christmas in the RAF seems to be summed up in the one word "BOOZE"'. He didn't join in at all but…
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