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  • Tags: aerial photograph

Map (Newcastle to Prague) with five photographs overlaid with lines leading to their locations on map. Top left - a town with destroyed buildings below a wide river with a bridge. Aircraft port outer engine and wingtip visible. Captioned 'Emmerich'.…

Target photograph with indistinct ground but several bombs visible centre left and centre. Caption mostly unreadable '[....], 9/10.3.44, Marignane P. 1 x 4000, 5 x 1000, 19s [..]'.

Show open countryside on right with built up area on left.

Target photograph of Marignane. No detail visible, almost completely obscured. Captioned '8', '244 FISK.9/10/3/44.//NT.8" 10000.[arrow][heading and time censored] MARIGNANE RD.. 1X4000. 5X 100. 21secs [censored] B/50'. On the reverse ' [underlined]…

A vertical aerial photograph of Marquise Minoyecques during a bombing operation. The left side of the image is obscured by explosions.
It is captioned '2363 TLP 27-8-44//8" 16500' -->142° 2016.2 Marquis/Mimoques (B) E(2x1000) (13x500) c 32 sec F/S…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Marseilles. The top right corner is obscured by a flash. It is captioned '1888 TOR 14/15 AUG 1944 //NT.F8" 8,500' --> 310° 2234 MARSEILLES R. 6x500lbs Mark III 20 sec Sgt TAYLOR L37'.

Target photograph of Marseille/ Marignane. Partially obscured by ball of light and light streaks. Rural area, field pattern and roads visible. Captioned '5B', '190 SKELL 9/10-3-44//NT. 5" 8250' [arrow] 126° 0131 MARSEILLES/MARIGANE. X. 25X30.…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a large number of railway sidings running from left to right. At the bottom left is a railway turntable with a large number of tracks spreading out towards a large building on the right hand side with part of its…

Aerial inclined photograph showing railway sidings running diagonally from left to right with a large number of interspersed bomb craters. Around the craters in the bottom left quadrant the railway tracks have been twisted and broken. Three lines of…

Top - titled 'Milfield X Squadron'. Copy of a painting of side view of an airborne Martinet in brown and green camouflage flying to left with fields below. Captioned 'A Martinet flying over Milfield. Copied from a painting by Noel Wooding'.

Vertical aerial photograph of Matesevo-Kolasin Road. The Tapa river meanders through the centre of the image. Adjacent is flatter land but to the top and bottom are hills. A road partly follows the river. Captioned '2609. 40/42 19 Dec '44 F8 // 9000'…

Target photograph showing open countryside. A supply container is visible in mid air on the left hand side, a road snakes from bottom left to centre right. Captioned '2360, 104/38, 19 Dec 44, F8, 6000 ft, →1521, B W Matsevo'.

Target photograph of open country with road snaking middle left to top right then to bottom right. Captioned '2363, 104/38, 19/Dec/44, F8, 6000 ft, →5121, B.W.Matsevo'.

Aerial vertical photograph showing open countryside. A road runs from left diagonally slightly up to the right side middle. There is a junction half way along where another road leads off upward to the top. Bomb explosions are visible. Captioned…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 and 4 are low level obliques of the airfield and hangars.
Photo 2 is a high level oblique of the hangars and other buildings with the runways at the top.
Photo 3 is a low level oblique of the apron with many…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a low level aerial oblique of Delta beach, Manitoba, Canada with the Delta channel shown, looking southwest. Captioned 'Delta Beach'.
Photo 2 is of towering clouds, captioned 'Storm Up!'.
Photo 3 is a…

Top left - air to ground view of river valley winding up from bottom with terraces either side and a town in middle distance. Captioned 'Medicine Hat when approaching to land (700 Ft)'. Top right - air to ground view of an airfield with triangular…

Top left and bottom right photographs both show men outside a building and the centre photo shows various buildings at Manston.

Top a merchant vessel at sea captioned 'T2070 STD 13 JUNE 45// 13/517 F6 3/8 M.V. POSN 25 250' and '13 June 1945 Position 25 250 FT'.
Bottom a merchant vessel at sea captioned 'T2069 STD 13 JUNE 45// 13/517 F6 3/8 'WILLIAM D BYRON' POSN 24 100FT'…

Target photograph of Merseburg. Completely obscured by smoke, dust and haze. Some light streaks, no detail visible. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '4270 SKELL.14/15.1.45//NT/(C) .8". 14700 116° 2104 MERSEBURG.Y. 1HC(M)4000IN,3MC(MII)500DT, 11GP500DT. 26…

Target photograph of Merseburg. Captioned '3F', '5B', 7549 Wed. 14/15.1.45//NT 8"/O.18400 118 2100 MERSEBURG. S. 1x4000(Min) 9x500 GP (DT. 30secs. F/O CROSS. S. 467'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Metz taken during a bombing operation. Much of the image is obscured by explosions.
It is annotated '2739.LMG. 28/29.6.44 // NT 8" 12000 --> 041°0131 1/12 Metz Raid. K. 13x 500 c.23 secs W/O Irish . K.429.'

Vertical aerial photograph taken during an attack on Metz. The centre of the image is obscured by explosions. The caption reads '2739.LMG.28/29.6.44//NT. 8" 12000 -->041° 0131 1/12 Metz Raid. L 13*500 C.23 secs W/O Irish K 429'.

Oblique aerial photograph of fields. Railway runs up from bottom centre and crosses a road which curves away. Looking east towards Miami which is lost in the distance. At the bottom, part of aircraft. Captioned 'Miami through the mist'. Includes is a…

An oblique aerial photograph of Miami South Beach.
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