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  • Tags: aerial photograph

Three vertical aerial photographs on two pages:
Photo 1 is a grain elevator, captioned 'Government Grain Elevator'.
Photo 2 is a bridge crossing a river, captioned 'Main rail bridge over S Sask R'.
Photo 3 is a railway and town, captioned…

Eight photographs from two pages of an album.
Page 28:
Photo 1 is an airman in the cockpit of an aircraft, captioned 'Self "driving" '.
Photo 2 is an air to air shot of a Cessna Crane, captioned 'Cessna Crane'.
Photo 3 and 4 are aerial views of a…

Ten photographs on two pages (24 & 25) in an album.
Page 24:
Photo 1 is an aerial view of an urban area, captioned 'St Paul, Minnesota 1944'.
Photo 2 is two men, a dog and two women, captioned 'Dave, Fred, Jack, Peggy, Mrs Kenyon'.
Photo 3 is an…

Two photographs. Top showing Mohne dam breached in the centre with lake on the rights. Bottom photograph shows the dam before the attack.

Three photograph cuttings with text cutting at bottom. Photograph 1 shows multiple industrial buildings with railway lines running top left to bottom right. There is damage to roof of buildings on the right. Photograph 2 shows Krupps works before the…

Five photographs from an album. Photo 1 is a view from the B-24 with vague field patterns on the ground. Photo 2, 3 and 5 are the airfield with the runway pattern visible. Photo 4 is looking past the B-24 port wing to the ground. The images are…

Three photographs: top showing two navy ships off a coastline. Middle shows a number of small boats a sea with smoke on left side. Captioned 'Two pictures illustrating part of work done by Royal Navy in the successful Combined Operations raid on…

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an oblique aerial photograph of the Singapore-Malaya causeway.
Photo 2 is eight airmen including Peter in khaki and shorts.
They are captioned ' Causeway Singapore-Malaya
RAF Changi Stn [undecipherable]…

An oblique aerial photograph. Docks, warehouses and houses are visible.

Identification kindly provided by members of 'Finding the location WW1 & WW2' Facebook group.

A newspaper cutting showing Heligoland before and after it was bombed by Lancasters.

An air-to-air view of two Lancasters in formation taken from the rear turret of a third. Both have fared over front turrets and no mid upper turrets. They are over Lowestoft on the Suffolk coast. White prefabs on the Gunton estate and Eastern Coach…

An oblique aerial photograph of RAF Mildenhall showing two hangars and numerous building in the north-west section of the airfield. Annotated 'Mildenhall in 1946 1000 ft up'.

Additional information kindly provided by Andrew Gordon and and Tommy…

An oblique aerial photograph of Cologne Cathedral showing bomb damage and the destroyed railway bridge. It is captioned 'Cologne Cathedral, Railway Stn & Bridge'.

An oblique aerial photograph of Krupps, Essen showing damage and captioned 'Bomb Damage Ruhr'.

Air-to-air view of three white Shackletons flying over an airshow for the Queen's Coronation. On the ground are large numbers of aircraft, people and parked cars.

A card with a target photograph of an operation at Osnabruck. The crew is listed.
‘F/O Potter
F/O Rutherford
F/O Mjolnese
F/O Reid
Sgt Taylor
Sgt Tuer
Sgt Searle’

A card with an aerial photograph taken during an operation. The target was Emden and the crew members are listed.
‘F/O Potter
F/O Rutherford
F/O Mjolsness
F/O Reid
Sgt Taylor
Sgt Tuer
Sgt Searle’

Five aerial photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is the three pyramids at Giza.
Photo 2 is of Stanley Bay, Alexandria with tiers of beach cabins.
Photo 3 is a of Alexandria city centre with a eleven story building. In the distance is a bay and a…

Two low angle oblique aerial photographs of Sarnia oil refinery on the St Clair River. Photograph 1 is mostly storage tanks; photograph 2 is of tanks and production facilities.

Identification kindly provided by Richard Evans of the Finding the…

First aerial view of dam and lake, captioned 'Umshumdige Dam near Fort Victoria', Second aerial view of landing ground captioned '20 E.F.T.S. R.A.T.G. Guinea Fowl'.
Third family of four in front of their hut, captioned 'Askari guard and his family…

Five photographs, first Harvard in flight, captioned 'Self flying Mk IIa Harvard'. Second, Harvard in flight captioned 'Friend flying Harvard'.
Third, aerial view of three small towns captioned, 'Thornhill Gwelo Moffat'. Fourth, aerial view,…

Vertical aerial photograph of Calais during a bombing operation, September 1944. It is captioned 'Our 7th Operation, Calais 27 September 1944. Enemy troops in a fortified railway cutting. This was an 'aiming point' photo & a C in C's enlargement of…

Photo 1 is an air to air image of a Wellington IV.
Photo 2 is a Wellington landing at night.
Photo 3 is a vertical aerial photograph with two Wellingtons. No detail is visible on the ground due to cloud and anti-aircraft fire.
Photo 4 is a…

Target photograph showing two Lancasters and anti-aircraft fire. Captioned 'a striking night picture taken during the RAF attack on Peenemunde aircraft research and radiolocation establishment on Aug. 17'.

Vertical aerial photograph of Ramsey, Isle of Man. Queen’s Pier is in centre of photograph, with Sulby River and Ramsey Harbour to the right. On the reverse is handwritten 'B/A Allen Nav Beyak 15/5/43'.
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