Browse Items (771 total)

  • Tags: sport

Congratulates him on second addition to family and catches up with other family news. Speculates about future tobacco prices and mention getting some beef cattle after the war using money he has saved up. Concludes with mention of playing cricket.

Mentions writing previously to congratulate him on birth of daughter. Catches up with gossip from home and suggests he prepare for party when he gets home. Discusses farming and book he had read and speculates on his future employment. Writes he was…

Reports that he had now received most of her letters to 19 April as well as other mail which was taking between two to four and a half months to arrive. Writes about a recent variety show and a cricket match in which he played. Mentions also playing…

Reports arrival of latest letters and notes that via London they take four to five months. Mentions letters from others and catches up with news. Says do not worry about war and he is looking forward to seeing them again. Mentions playing cricket and…

Writes of lack of mail, but mentions his birthday. Writes of a South African who had just returned after a couple of months in hospital. Talks of pompous fellow English prisoner as well as catching up on other news and gossip. Mentions playing rugby…

Reports arrival of seven letters which took just over a month to arrive. Hopes she had recovered from illness. Commiserates over loss of friend and mentions how lucky he was. Mentions other Rhodesian arriving and that he had stopped playing rugby.…

Writes of good war news and weather. Mentions athletics sports meeting and comments on national scores. Writes about play he had seen previous week and camp orchestra. Catches up with family news and says he would really like to go an work on the…

Reports arrival of letters and hopes that she had had one from him as he knew that she would be worrying. Was keeping well in body if not in spirit. Played rugby for first time in a while and suffered slight injury. Was also doing P.T. Comments that…

Sends birthday greetings and hopes that letter would arrive before Christmas. Sends family seasons greetings and sorry he would not be with them again this year. Mentions it was a depressing time. Talks of rumours of repatriation of badly wounded…

Writes that he had had no mail for six weeks and that there must be some hold up; however, English mail was arriving again. Catches up with family/friends news and says his letters must be boring as nothing happens. Writes of his camp rugby team…

Writes that month had been very exiting and they were hopeful after hearing of the invasion. Mentions recent camp sports day with lots of side shows like a fair ground. Writes of gambling with cigarettes, band playing and sweepstake. Also mentions…

Speculates on when he would be home, Comments on recent good news and how it effects them. Writes he is keeping fit having recovered from flu and mentions a small epidemic probably due to hot weather and flies. Comments on recent film and that…

Writes that he is pleased tobacco prices had been good. Continues with social activities, mentions Bulawayo young peoples club and playing rugby. Concludes writing about his accommodation.


Had not received any mail since he last wrote and it was nine days since he sent his last cable. Mentions the weather had become cooler and that he described his first boxing match which he lost on points. Mentions that he had lost a little weight…

Was pleased to receive Easter greetings cable and that they had received more of his letters. Speculates on what they might be doing and mentions sunsets, nights and weather. Comments on visit by padre from Algiers a long and difficult journey by…

Writes that he was pleased to get a letter from Red Cross at Geneva informing him that his name had been forwarded to the prisoner of war information bureau in London and that they would inform his parents of his address. Mentions he has written…

Catches up on mail sent and received and notes several letters seem to be going astray. He states he writes a letter a fortnight as well as occasional postcards and he is sending this one by airmail. He had also sent a cable. They get news by local…

An incomplete letter about a trip he made to friends in Norway.


Letter to David's younger brother Norman. Hank thanks him for the opportunity to see a copy of Norman's write up of David's Royal Air Force career and confirms that it is factually correct. Hank reviews his association with David and aspects of his…

He writes of his family, feeling unwell, his night duties and social activities at RAF Cark.

He writes of the weather and social activities at RAF Cark.

Writes from Grand Hotel Scarborough 10 I.T.W. about his maths and anti gas exams, and starting navigation lessons. He also writes about playing games on the beach at Scarborough against the other flights, going to a concert, meeting his old school…

Writes about cricket unofficial test matches and playing himself. Describes being roped in as part of the corporal's team and getting top score and bowling. Goes on to describe other matches he played in Lincoln. Concludes mentioning going to the…


Comments that it was two years since he joined the service and it had been all training and no action. Says they are filling in time before converting to four engine planes by playing football, parades and some navigation practice. Comments on…

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Mentions that he is on leave for a week on a farm Buckinghamshire owned by a Mrs Adams (and remarks on the co-incidence of the surname) with a colleague called Len Young from Coota. Herbert also mentions his other leisure activities, such as playing…


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