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  • Tags: Lancaster

Seven airmen crouched in a group under their Lancaster. Behind are nine or ten more Lancasters. On the reverse '428 Squadron link up prior to take off at Middleton St George County Durham May 31st 1945. Duty controller in the tower F/O "Chuck"…

A group of seven airmen standing in front of their Lancaster. The pilot (centre) is holding a toy creature.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Seven airmen under the port side of their Lancaster 'Z'.
On the reverse -
'Wonder why M/Sgt Walton is making the crew numbers up. (I will check the records and let you know)

Seven airmen arranged at the tail of a Lancaster. Six men are standing and one man is sitting in the tail gunner's position. The rear turret is armed wit two .50 machine guns. The aircrew are wearing lifejackets and parachutes.

Seven airmen in flying kit, standing at the nose of Lancaster, S for Sugar.

The seven airmen are in flying kit and are standing underneath their Lancaster.

Seven airmen at the rear gun turret of a Lancaster. A typed caption has been added to the image stating 'Squadron Leader R.J. Lane DSO DFC Victoria BC (RCAF Photo)

Seven airmen some with brevet visible standing in line in front of a Lancaster.

Seven airmen standing underneath the front of Lancaster 'R'.

Seven airmen dressed in flying kit and sitting on bombs on the bomb trolley. Behind is their Lancaster.
The crew members are identified 'Des Egan, Rocky Owen,George Warren, Steve Quinn, Self, Bill Williams, Dave Menzies'.
Additional information…

Seven airmen grouped under the front of their Lancaster.

Seven airmen in flying kit standing in long grass in front of the nose of a Lancaster. They are wearing Mae West life vests.

Six airmen standing in long grass at the tail of a Lancaster. A seventh airman is seated in the rear gunner's position The guns have been removed from the rear turret. Bill Moore is third from the right. The men are dressed in full flying kit and are…

A row of seven airmen underneath their Lancaster. They are all in flying kit. Raymond is third from left.

Seven airmen, three shirtless and the others with short sleeves squatting and standing in front of the rear turret of a Lancaster. Another can be seen in the distance.


Seven airmen Mae Wests life vests. They are standing in front of Lancaster VN-D RE133.
On the reverse are four signatures

[The image is identified as being 50 squadron, RAF Skellingthorpe and the Captain as F/O A. Campbell]

Two photographs of seven airmen standing underneath the damaged wing of a Lancaster. 'EA-D'.
On the reverse of the first photograph the annotation reads 'Uncle Tom on left'.
In the second photograph one of the men is pointing out some damage.

Two sets of three airmen on ladders and one airman in the cockpit of a Lancaster 'G'. The nose has a 408 squadron badge, a maple leaf and 'Miss Kingsville'.

Seven airmen arranged in two rows at the front of a Lancaster 'G'.

Seven crew, in flying kit, standing in front of a Lancaster. Each man is named on the reverse.

Seven men standing at the tail of Lancaster, ED656.

Photo 1 is seven airmen standing at the side of a crashed Lancaster, 9J-O.
Photo 2 shows the damaged wing and fuselage of Lancaster 9J-O.
Photo 3 is an airman standing beside a damaged aircraft engine on a trolley.
Photo 4 is two airmen standing…

Seven airmen standing in line in front of the nose of a snow covered Lancaster.


Seven airmen in flying gear at the rear of a 514 Squadron Lancaster.

From left to right, back: Gorton Craig 'Gort' Angus; Donald G. 'Don' Thompson; Henry Charles 'Hank' Snow; Roy A. Moran; Leonard James 'Len' Thatcher.
Front: Bernard Ellwood…

Seven airmen standing under the nose of Lancaster 'NA-I'. Annotated 'S/Ldr Don Lamont & Crew. "I" Ink 428 Sqd. M.S.G.'
On the reverse -
F/Lt Don Lamont & crew by Lanc KB792
Left to Right
F/S Ken Kehl (WOP)
Sgt Tod MacLelland R/gunner
F/Lt Don…
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