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A log sheet issued to Dick Curnock whilst a cadet in the Air Training Corps. On it he he has recorded three flights.

Air Training Corps badge.


Card for Roy Briggs membership of Air Training Corps


Printed astro-navigation course notes for instructors and students. Information on movement, identification and appearance of stars, the sun and the moon. Includes a number of star charts.

Headed 'Sgt Pearce, 24.6.44, Ex 2, Course 99B'. Air-to-air gunnery film with Miles Martinet target aircraft. Taken from Wellington from RAF Ingham.

Top left - air to ground view of river running bottom right to top left.Middle left - air to ground view of river in middle distance. Middle right - air to ground view of river on left. Bottom right - air to ground view of river in distance on left.…

Top left - oblique aerial photograph of a town with river running from bottom to top right. Captioned 'Miami looking S.E.'.
Middle right - oblique aerial photograph of a town in middle distance with part of cockpit coaming and tailplane visible.…

Top left - oblique aerial photograph of fields with buildings bottom right. Part of wing visible at bottom. Captioned 'The field from 2000''.
Top right - oblique aerial photograph of town in middle with open countryside beyond. Part of wing visible…

Top left - Two rows of PT19As from front to back all parked on grass field. Captioned 'PTs after a hard day'.
Middle right - airborne view of clouds below with rear of wing on right. Captioned 'Just clouds at 4000''.
Bottom left - front quarter…


Notes that Norman Ivor Powell had completed a course and obtained aircraft engineer licence.


Top - a single engine high wing monoplane parked outside a hangar. Captioned 'Stinson Reliant at hangar No 3'.
Bottom left - view of a hangar with car front left with people, In the distance a flight-line with Stearman biplanes. Captioned 'Hangar no…

Instructions for preparation of an aircraft recognition lecture to the air gunners instructors course. Lists the aircraft to be covered.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

Nine photographs, LH page first one is of Lancaster nose, someone leaning out of cockpit window, squadron letter U visible. Second is of starboard engines of a Lancaster in flight, captioned 'Taken from Uncle in flight - over ten tenths cloud'. Third…

An airman wearing parachute and flying helmet stands talking to two other airmen wearing helmets and parachutes and two airmen wearing tunics and peaked caps. In the background a large tent and groups other airmen. On the reverse 'an instructor…

A large group of aircrew dressed in flying clothing, helmets and parachutes standing and sitting in two rows in front of a line of biplane training aircraft. In the background a building with '[..] Training Ltd'. David Donaldson is seated fourth from…

Aircrew standing in groups of two consulting maps standing on airfield in front of a line of biplane training aircraft. In the background a building with 'Air Service Training Ltd'.


On the LH page, two aircrew sitting in the entrance hatch of a Lancaster, in flying equipment. Captioned 'Two representatives of the Nav Union 103 Squadron. F/O Kev CURTIN on the left and F/Sgt later F/O Pat CURTIN.
Australian twin brothers and…

First, David, left, with another man dressed in their flying suits, boots and gauntlets holding their flying helmets. They are standing outside wooden buildings with glazed windows.
Second, three men in uniform. David far right and the man on the…

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is 11 airmen arranged in three rows. The caption reads 'Waiting at the station - ready for home. Rivers, Man'.
Photo 2 is a large house, captioned 'The Taits - Shediac NB'.

Three photographs from an album.
#1 is a view of barracks at the camp.
#2 is a view with the camp in the distance.
#3 is four trainees on bikes, crossing a bridge.

Formal course photograph, posed in five rows in front of the wall of a building. There are 57 students and five aircrew staff. Erik Pick is seated on the front row, third from the right.

51 aircrew trainees posed in four rows with their supervising NCO. Bay window visible on left, trees in background.

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is of three airmen, two are reading, captioned 'Lunch in the crew room'.
Photo 2 is Terry sitting in his great coat, captioned 'Glamour Boy'.
Photo 3 is three airmen in the crewroom. One is being fed a…
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