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  • Tags: Lancaster

From information provided by the donor. Tom Tobin was an Australian captain on no 153 Squadron and a friend of Peter. The photograph shows the Tobin crew after their last operation of their tour, to Heligoland. The reverse has crew signatures and…

From information provided by the donor. Photograph is of the crew before Peter's last operational flight to Paderborn.

From information provided by the donor. Two photographs, first is of A Flight, second is of B Flight in March 1945 at R.A.F. Scampton. Peter is back row no 5 on B Flight photograph.

From information provided by the donor. Tom Tobin was a friend of Peters on 153 Squadron. Photograph shows Tom's crew and two of the ground crew before an operation to Munich. Names of crew hand written on photograph.

From information provided by the donor. Squadron Leader Rippingdale and crew with some of the ground crew at the end of the crews tour.

From information provided by the donor. Peter Baxter at Hemswell. Airfield background, part of a Lancaster and buildings also visible.

An air-to-air view of two Lancasters flying away from the camera taken from above.
An air-to-air view of four Lancasters flying away from the camera taken from below.
From information provided by the donor. No 1 Group Lancasters practicing…

From information provided by the donor. Three photographs of Squadron Leader Villiers his crew and aircraft.
The first is of the crew with Lancaster ED548 squadron letter V, airfield and aircraft servicing equipment in the background.
Second is…

From information provided by the donor. Four photographs ,the first is a reverse with the crew listed, annotations 'Baxter 507, L - R top, Sgt Baxter, F/eng, Sgt Prowse R/Gunner, P/O Deare W/Op, L -R Bottom, S/L Villiers Pilot, F/O Allinson Nav, P/O…

From information provided by the donor. Lancaster PH-U from 12 Squadron RAF Wickenby.

From information provided by the donor. Peter sitting in the doorway of 12 Squadron Lancaster squadron letter 'J'.

Summary of bombing operations with 433 Squadron from 11 August 1944 to 26 March 1945, Flew as flight engineer on Halifax and then converted to Lancaster December / January 44/45.

Don Cameron's signature on cover.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.


Table with aircraft column on the left and columns for day and night 1st and 2nd. Filled with hours and calculations. Submitted with caption 'calculating flying hours for logbook'.

Ten airmen wearing battledress and side caps squatting and standing in two rows. In the background an open bomb bay of a Lancaster. Submitted with caption 'Don Cameron’s Ground Crew Withford 1944'.

Eleven men, eight standing behind and three squatting in front all, bar one in overalls, wearing battledress. In the background a Lancaster with 30 bomb symbols on the fuselage. Submitted with caption 'Don Cameron’s Ground Crew Witchford 1944'.

Eight men wearing battledress or tunic all with brevet, six standing and two squatting in front. In the background the fuselage of a Lancaster registration 'ME836'. Submitted with caption 'Don Cameron’s Air Crew 2nd left Ron Alexander, 3rd left…

Twenty men mostly wearing battledress but two with uniform tunics and peaked caps in two lines in front of a Lancaster. Aircrew in back row with some groundcrew are standing, groundcrew are kneeling in front. In the background the Lancaster has 30…

Eight aircrew, five wearing battledress and three tunics all with brevet standing in line in front of a Lancaster with 30 bomb symbols on the fuselage. Submitted with caption 'Don Cameron’s Air Crew Witchford 1944 The only known names left Kenneth…

Head and shoulders portrait of a flight lieutenant wearing uniform tunic with signallers brevet and peaked cap. Titled '49 Bomber Squadron - 5 Group, Royal Air Force Scampton with countryside background, union flag and a Lancaster upper right.…

Seven aircrew, three wearing flying jackets the others battledress, standing in line in front of a Lancaster with a 4000lb HC bomb behind them. Captioned' W.A. Colson DFM'. Submitted with caption 'William Colson with Lanc Crewe [sic] 9 Squadron'.…

A newspaper cutting showing eight aircrew boarding a Lancaster prior to an operation to Wesel, with attached smaller clipping regarding the congratulations sent by General Dempsey to A Harris following operation to Wesel prior to the crossing of the…

Seven aircrew three kneeling in front and four standing behind. All wearing battledress. In the background a Lancaster. Captioned 'Norris - A/G m/u, Howard - A/G r/g, Buck - B?A, Bill - Nav, King WOP. Dave - Pilot, Oll - F/E'.

On the right a newspaper cutting. Mentions that John Dyer failed to return from operation in January 1944. Gives account of RAF Missing Research and Enquiry Service findings on location of crash and the crew's graves. On the left a photograph of a…

Forty airmen mostly wearing uniform tunic with a few in battledress in three rows. Front row squatting the other standing. In the background a Lancaster. Two versions of the same item.
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