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  • Tags: pilot

Head and shoulders portrait of a man wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet. On the reverse 'Sergeant Pilot 1345042 Ernie Tansley'.

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Head and shoulders portrait of a man wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet. On the reverse 'Dad late 1942'. Two versions, second captioned 'E H Tansley'.

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Pilot in uniform leaning against a brick arched opening. Flat roofed brick building visible through the archway with arched openings and chimneys.

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Photographs of two parts of same page. Sub-headline - 'A Jackeroo' gives some background on Middleton and continues account of attack on Turin and fuel difficulties crossing the Alps. Sub-headline - 'both pilots wounded' continues account.…

A framed photograph of Sergeant Ralph Freeman. Included in the image is Ralph's medal ribbons, a Bomber Command crest, his pilot wings and his sergeant's stripes.
The photograph is annotated '1523700 Sgt Ralph Reginald Ernest Freeman 101 Sqn Bomber…

Sergeant Stan Rutherford is holding a camera and smoking a pipe.

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above.

Covers enlistment and early training in the Royal Australian Air Force. Continues with description of journey to England via the United States and training in England. Lists his crew formed during training. Joined 102 Squadron with Halifax Mk 3 on 12…

A group of seven uniformed men, David second right, standing under the port wing of a Lancaster which has engine trestles by the wings. Three of the group are wearing officer's hats and the other side caps. Six show brevets above their left breast…

Seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet, five standing and two squatting in front with part of a bomber aircraft in the background.

Seven aircrew, three in front, four behind all wearing tunics with brevet.

Seven men standing in line, some wearing battledress and other flying clothes. In the background the rear turret of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Before Len joined Dad's crew. Far right Sergeant Leonard Charles Brown, flight engineer, J Alan Edwards…

Seven aircrew three kneeling in front and four standing behind. All wearing battledress. In the background a Lancaster. Captioned 'Norris - A/G m/u, Howard - A/G r/g, Buck - B?A, Bill - Nav, King WOP. Dave - Pilot, Oll - F/E'.

Seven sergeant aircrew all wearing tunics with brevet in two rows outside a wooden hut.

Seven airmen wearing tunics with brevet and side caps. Four sitting and three standing behind. Captioned 'Seated left to right, P/O F McLelland, F/O G Russell, F/L T.S. Blyth, P/O P Galan, Standing left to right, Sgt N Chappell, F/Sgt J Littlejohns,…

Seven men wearing battledress with brevet and six with side caps, one with peaked cap. Standing in line underneath a bomber.

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Seven men, four standing behind and three squatting in front. All wear battledress with half brevet and side caps except centre front who has pilot's brevet and peaked cap. They are standing in snow with a building in the background.
Submitted with…

Seven airmen wearing flying suits and boots as well as Mae West and parachute harnesses standing arms round shoulders of each other in line in front of a Halifax. Captioned from left to right 'MU, WOP, NAV, PILOT, ENG, B.A., R.G.'.

Seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet, some with side caps. Three squatting in front and four standing behind with wooden hut in the background.

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Seven airmen wearing tunics with brevet standing in line. On the reverse 'The crew, left to right, Rowley (mid upper), Roy (W/Op), Bill (navigator), Wally (skipper), only me (B/A), Jack (engineer), Dave (rear gunner - Canada), taken at Riccal Yorks…

Seven airmen all wearing battledress with brevet. Three crouching in front, the centre man is pilot and four standing behind.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet and side or peaked caps. Three squatting down in front, pilot in centre and four standing behind. Captioned 462 Sqdn, F/O Richardson (W.O), F/S Ellis (RG), F/S Stokes (MU), Sgt Cann (FE), F/L Mundle (AB),…

Seven airmen, all wearing battledress with brevet, three squatting in front and four standing behind. Submitted with captions 'crew 1a' and 'Crew1a taken in early April 1945 at Balderton'.

Seven airmen all wearing battledress with brevet standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Pilot is third from the left. Submitted with caption 'crew 2' and information 'Crew 2 l to r: Len Stevens FE, Harry Wilson W/Op, dad, Bob Lillico RG, Harry…
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