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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Top middle - five men in various costumes, one with top hat and other with bonnet, standing in line. Captioned 'G24 Flieger jockey club gala day, Stalag Luft 6, Aug 43'.
Bottom left - a band marching in file amongst a large number of spectators.…

Top left - group of runners on track coming towards camera, Spectators on the right. Captioned 'C35 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - group of runners with leader at finish tape. On the left of track wooden huts with spectators on…

Top middle - on the left a group captain wearing tunic shakes hands with a man in sports kit in the centre. A sergeant stands with his back to camera on the right and two other men look on from the background. Captioned '[....]'.
Bottom left - a…

Top left - a large crowd of man wearing various bits of uniform and sports kit in front of wooden huts. Captioned 'C[..] Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - runners on track coming towards camera. On left wooden huts with spectators in…

Top left - on the left a shot putter just after throw, shot visible in centre. In the background spectators and huts. Captioned 'C21 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - crowd of men some in sports kit standing talking in front of wooden…

Top left - runners on track pass officials on right. To the left spectators in front of and on the roof of huts. Captioned 'C37 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - spectators on roof, in windows and in front of wooden huts. Captioned…

Top left - runner at finish tape while another has fallen behind him. Other runners further back. Spectators on roof of, and in front of huts to the left. Captioned 'C20 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - on the right man in shorts in…

Top left - high jumper wearing sports kit in mid air over bar. To the right and official. Captioned 'C[..] Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - long jumper in mid air with officials to the right, Spectators in the far distance. Captioned…

Top left - group of men sitting in front of, at and behind a table. In the background a wooden hut with two windows. Captioned 'C23 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - spectators to the side of, in front and on the roof of wooden huts.…

Top left - high jumper over bar. In mid distance left side a line of men sitting on the ground and in the background spectators and huts. Captioned 'C27 Sports day, Stalag Luft 3, Aug 42'.
Top right - a group of men playing basketball with hoop on…

An aerial photograph of bomb damaged city captioned 'Bonn'.
Aerial photograph of large fenced areas captioned 'Prisoners'.
Two small photographs, one of bride and groom on church steps with RAF party, second of Keith Thompson and Jessie in garden…

Recounts that piece of parachute silk is a memento of Colin Fraser's Lancaster being shot down during an attack on Gestapo barracks at Berchtesgaden on 25 April 1945. Describes crew bale out and skilful crash landing by pilot Flying Officer Harry…

A fragment of a parachute on which is written ‘Anzac Day 25.4.45, In M-Mike, Berchsgarten (Hitler’s Hang Out), 460 Squadron crest and moto strike and return, 460 Sqdn, F/O "Lofty" Payne, (WA), F/Sgt W A Stanley (Vic), Col Fraser, ( " ), "Buck"…

Chris Musial, German prisoner of war and Margaret Pridmore, riddling potatoes. Manor farm, Pilton, Rutland.

Margaret Tyler (nee Pridmore) and Chris Musial drilling at Manor Farm, Pilton, Rutland.

Head and shoulders portrait of an Italian prisoner of war identified as Mario ???? [sic] from Ridlington prisoner of war camp who worked at Manor Farm, Pilton during the war.

RAF Form 2520A issued to David Geach. the book contains details of his service record.

Head and shoulders portrait of David Geach. On the reverse 'Air Bomber Dave Geach Age 20 Berlin P.O.W. 24/3/44'

A newspaper cutting with a map of prisoner of war camps.

An explanatory note for a set of 12 photographs taken in Stalag 3A in April 1945.

Photo 1 captioned 'View of Sleeping Bunks', shows three tiers of bunks.
Photo 2 captioned 'Table and Bench Seat' shows two men at the table, one seated.
Photo 3 is of a church, captioned 'Converted Hut by Russian POW for Worshipping'.
Photo 4 is…

A sketch map of the route taken by the prisoners from Stalag Luft 7. It names the towns passed through, the numbers of prisoners killed and their rations for 21 days.

An identity card issued to Fred Hooker when he was captured.

An identity card issued to Fred Hooker at Dulag Luft.

A half length portrait of James Hooker in naval uniform captioned 'Brother James William first photograph in uniform 1938.' Also included is a photograph of a gravestone for Hilda Ruth Hooker and James William Hooker who died in a prisoner of war…
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