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  • Tags: Red Cross

A letter to Dick from his mother wishing him a happy birthday, included is domestic news.

The letter acknowledges Dick Curnock's confinement address.

Expresses regret that his son Pilot Officer Donald Arthur Baker was missing as a result of air operations on 5 November 1941. Only information available was that he was captain of a Hampden which set out to bomb the enemy and failed to return. Does…

Letter from Air Ministry confirming information had been received from the International Red Cross that his son, Pilot Officer Donald Baker was a prisoner of war. They do not have information on which camp he was in.

Informs him that they have heard from the red cross that his son was a prisoner of war.

Thinking of him and looking forward to another letter from him. Writes of communication from Red Cross with label for a personal parcel for him and discusses what they are allowed to send. Will wait to hear if he needs anything and is concerned of…

Writes that spring perhaps was not yet on its way as she stated in last letter. Mentions only getting cables as no letters since 31 January. Quotes from content of his last cable which arrived very quickly. Mentions death of friend and then two…

Writes of father going out for fire watching duty on a snowy night. Comments on the days weather and that it had been a rough winter. Still waiting for letters the last came at the end of January. Writes there was no more news of loss of a friend.…

Writes about others who have written to him. Mentions letter from Red Cross with his correct address. Looked up El Kef in library. Red Cross had been very kind to help them keep in touch. Investigating whether he can receive newspapers which the post…

Writing on Christmas day about her thoughts. Mentions their activities during the day. Comments on the weather and cards/gifts received. Catches up on family/friends news. Writes about bulbs coming up soon. Mentions letter received by father…

Writes of high temperatures and going to hairdresser as well as different ways to walk into town. Mentions gaps in arrival of mail and then all come at once. Asks after baby jackal and whether he will resume boxing. Says she sent a donation to Red…

Writes of their activities involving a real wartime journey. Catches up with family news. Talks about working in garden. Mentions thank you from Red Cross for donation and glad he received their parcel safely. Catches up with news of friends. Asks…

Mentions fathers letter sent previous day and that 6 letters from him had arrived. Good that they receive his letters safely if sometimes out of sequence. Mentions his comments on his weather and says that winter is now approaching with blackout…

Hoping that their first letter has arrived with him. Wrote thanking Red Cross for their help but noted that they had said that it was not allowed to send newspapers. Comments that razor blades are no longer available. Tells of visitor and catches up…

Received letter from him dated November 1st. mentions his weather and gifts of clothing he had received. Tried to get in touch by cable, no luck as only allowed for urgent matters and must be sent through red cross. Red Cross had been kind in helping…

Has little news for him but comments on winter weather. Mentions six months before they can receive a reply to a letter. Lists letters they have had from him. Thankful to Red Cross for their work to make delivery possible. Mentions other mail they…

Writes about the cost of food, flowers coming out and comments on the weather. Mentions again the arrival of six letters from him the previous week and glad they were able to celebrate Christmas in camp. Relief to hear they were getting Red Cross…

Pleased to receive letter and cable. Telegrams are a boon especially as mail is not too regular. Discusses letter from friend. Says recent letter had no stamps and describes markings. Comments on the weather and and on news of restrictions to his…

Reports that relatives had now left so more time to write. Granddad seems to have enjoyed his visit and gave her £2 in tanks for looking after him. Mentions that expenditure is restricted by coupons for clothing. Delighted to get his latest cable…

Reports sending him a parcel via the Red Cross containing hand towels, socks, Lifebuoy soap and a sponge bag. Reminds him that they are not allowed to send food, sweets or chocolate. Expects parcel to arrive around Christmas. Informed by Red Cross…

Writes about weather and lack of rain. Mentions reports of sandstorms in Libya and wonders if they affect him. Writes of Laghouat water supply and hopes that they do not suffer from drought. Writes of receiving first publication of Red Cross monthly…

Mentions writing on a beautiful evening. Reminds him that she had told him of upcoming rationing of many items in England. Still waiting for response from their latest cable. Catches up with family news and mentions some of their activities. Mentions…

Still awaiting letters and response to her latest cable. Mentions message from Red Cross that conditions in camp at Laghouat were satisfactory. Another message stated that mail to prisoners might be quicker if sent on special prisoner or war airmail…

Reports arrival of a single letter from him dated 1st March and presumes many missing. Good to know that he is getting regular supplies of tea and states that she sent him a parcel three weeks ago containing soap.socks and towels. Mentions she…

Mentions previous day was his birthday and wondered if he had celebration. Reports arrival of fifteen letters from him in one week. Writes of photograph enclosed of group with the padre and comments people in it. Mentions his cooking and was…
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