Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents
Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents
Writing on Christmas day about her thoughts. Mentions their activities during the day. Comments on the weather and cards/gifts received. Catches up on family/friends news. Writes about bulbs coming up soon. Mentions letter received by father containing £2 to which the writer ask to be forwarded to Douglas along with good wishes. Not yet heard from Red Cross whether prisoners of war in neutral countries can receive newspapers.
Spatial Coverage
Two page handwritten letter and envelope
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[inserted] 15 [/inserted]
Prisoner of War Post.
Kriegsgefangener Post
[two postmarks]
755052 J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp de Sejour Surfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes
El Kef.
Nord Afrique.
[page break]
10 Moorside Road
Salford 7
[two postmarks]
[VA27 stamp]
[page break]
10 Moorside Rd
Salford 7
Christmas Day 1940.
My dear Douglas.
A very strange Christmas Day too but still the spirit has been with us all the day! And the Star of Bethleham [sic] shines just as brightly & we look to it for guidance & inspiration, as we go forward to meet a future in which we look for peace & good will, to return to our hearts & homes, again. I wish I could tell you all that has been in my heart today – “tho’ surrendered for by faith we meet” - & I know how you have been thinking of me & Dad too. We have our young guest still with us & at the moment she & Dad are having a bit of fun with “Sorry”. We had just our usual Christmas dinner & oh! how we did wish you could share it with us. The weather was not Christmas card, but foggy & mild but we are now thankful for the turn of the year & already have about 10 minutes longer [inserted] daylight [/inserted] (or less blackout). This morning we had a lovely card from Mr & Mrs Green at Old Colwyn & they send very kind wishes for you. We have got such lovely cards. A beauty from Miss Morton
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an R.A.F. one & a the [sic] usual dainty calendar from Auntie Maud’s. Eileen sent a pound box of Terry’s chocolates – a very precious gift as there are no “ to be bought now. Sertian’s are away again. They took the little boy back to boarding school yesterday thought it the wisest thing to do & they are again living with Mrs Sertian’s uncle so we are very quiet again. Soon we shall be looking for the [deleted] bulls [/deleted] [inserted] bulbs [/inserted] poking their little green noses into a very cold world. They always give me so much pleasure, as you know. I don’t suppose you have bulbs in El Kef. I imagine it will be too dry & warm.
On Saturday Dad got a registered letter from Jaffes enclosing £2 (two pounds) [inserted] which we will take to the P.O. [/inserted] & a little note “please forward to your son with our best wishes for Christmas.” Dad wrote to Mr Allan a note of thanks asking them to accept his note on your behalf as you would not be able to write to them specially. The gift was a very nice gesture we thought. We have not yet heard from the Red X. whether as a prisoner of war in neutral country you will be allowed to receive the weekly “Daily Mail” but will let you know as soon as possible. All love & happiness possible in the coming year from Mother & Dad.
755052 J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp de Sejour Surfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes
El Kef.
Nord Afrique.
Prisoner of War Post.
Kriegsgefangener Post
[two postmarks]
755052 J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp de Sejour Surfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes
El Kef.
Nord Afrique.
[page break]
10 Moorside Road
Salford 7
[two postmarks]
[VA27 stamp]
[page break]
10 Moorside Rd
Salford 7
Christmas Day 1940.
My dear Douglas.
A very strange Christmas Day too but still the spirit has been with us all the day! And the Star of Bethleham [sic] shines just as brightly & we look to it for guidance & inspiration, as we go forward to meet a future in which we look for peace & good will, to return to our hearts & homes, again. I wish I could tell you all that has been in my heart today – “tho’ surrendered for by faith we meet” - & I know how you have been thinking of me & Dad too. We have our young guest still with us & at the moment she & Dad are having a bit of fun with “Sorry”. We had just our usual Christmas dinner & oh! how we did wish you could share it with us. The weather was not Christmas card, but foggy & mild but we are now thankful for the turn of the year & already have about 10 minutes longer [inserted] daylight [/inserted] (or less blackout). This morning we had a lovely card from Mr & Mrs Green at Old Colwyn & they send very kind wishes for you. We have got such lovely cards. A beauty from Miss Morton
[page break]
an R.A.F. one & a the [sic] usual dainty calendar from Auntie Maud’s. Eileen sent a pound box of Terry’s chocolates – a very precious gift as there are no “ to be bought now. Sertian’s are away again. They took the little boy back to boarding school yesterday thought it the wisest thing to do & they are again living with Mrs Sertian’s uncle so we are very quiet again. Soon we shall be looking for the [deleted] bulls [/deleted] [inserted] bulbs [/inserted] poking their little green noses into a very cold world. They always give me so much pleasure, as you know. I don’t suppose you have bulbs in El Kef. I imagine it will be too dry & warm.
On Saturday Dad got a registered letter from Jaffes enclosing £2 (two pounds) [inserted] which we will take to the P.O. [/inserted] & a little note “please forward to your son with our best wishes for Christmas.” Dad wrote to Mr Allan a note of thanks asking them to accept his note on your behalf as you would not be able to write to them specially. The gift was a very nice gesture we thought. We have not yet heard from the Red X. whether as a prisoner of war in neutral country you will be allowed to receive the weekly “Daily Mail” but will let you know as soon as possible. All love & happiness possible in the coming year from Mother & Dad.
755052 J. D. Hudson (Sgt. Chef.)
Camp de Sejour Surfeille
S/courert Commandant D’armes
El Kef.
Nord Afrique.
P Hudson, “Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents ,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 9, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23085.
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