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  • Collection: Hutton, George

George Hutton won ten pounds for composing a motto regarding the manufacture of Mosquitos. In time, he volunteered as aircrew and trained as a gunner. He was posted to 199 Squadron for his first tour. His second tour was with 514 Squadron. The crew…

Two album covers

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a head and shoulders image of George. He is wearing an air gunner's brevet.
Photo 2 is 16 trainee airmen arranged in three rows.
Photo 3 is six airmen arranged in two rows.

17 photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a group of airmen arranged in five rows in front of a Stirling, captioned '199 Squadron Stirlings Lakenheath November 1943. Dad is third row up, fifth from left'.
Photo 2 is four airmen standing under the…

Ten photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an airman in a gunners chair set beside tents.
Photo 2 is the port side of a Mitchell.
Photo 3 is a row of Mitchells.
Photo 4 is four airmen beside a flooded campsite.
Photo 5 and 6 are a bomb damaged…

Seven photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is groups of airmen on parade, annotated '1-4-43'.
Photo 2 is two men arms lined, one man in goggles, at the coast.
Photo 3 is four WAAFs beside a stone and thatch structure.
Photo 4 and 5 are groups of…

32 items from an album.
Item 1 is an invitation to George and Barbara's wedding.
Item 2 is a sprig of white heather.
Item 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 21 are congratulations telegrams.
Items 6, 7, 8, 10 - 15, 22, 23, 25-30 are gift tags.
Item 9,…

Seven newspaper cuttings.
Item 1 is about Bombing-up the last Lancaster. Asterisked is a reference to Reg Hutton.
Item 2 and 3 refer to D-day viewed from a Lancaster by Flight Sergeant Hutton.
Item 4 and 5 refer to bombing of shore batteries by…

A note accompanying a print of 514 squadron's record. The record details all the squadron's operations, sorties, bombs dropped and numbers of aircraft lost.

Barbara sitting on a wall.

Barbara sitting on a grassy hillside. On the reverse 'Ramsey May 1945'.

George is leaning against a rock. On the reverse 'Ramsey May 1945'.

George, sitting in a field. On the reverse 'June 28th / 45 Maughold Head'.

George paddling in the sea. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945 George giving his feet a treat - Dhoon Bay'.

George and Barbara leaning on the promenade railings. Barbara in uniform, George dressed casually. On the reverse 'June 28th, 1945 On Ramsey Prom - just outside the Imperial'.

George is sitting on a wooden bridge. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945 Where Dhoon Glen opens out to the sea'.

Two photographs of Dhoon Glen.
Photo 1 is a waterfall. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Waterfall in Dhoon Glen'.
Photo 2 is Barbara standing beside a tree. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Dhoon Glen That's not a monkey - its me!'

George is leaning on the railings of the promenade. On the reverse 'June 28th, 1945. On Ramsey Promenade just outside the Imperial Hotel'.

George and Barbara with a dog on the beach. On the reverse 'June 28th, 1945. On Ramsey Beach'.

George is sitting on a grassy hillside. On the reverse 'Ramsey May, 1945'.

Two of Barbara Wood's friends, sunbathing on the beach. On the reverse 'Betty [indecipherable]' June 45'.

Barbara Wood's and friend lying on the beach. On the reverse 'Ramsey /45'

A friend of Barbara Wood sitting on a towel on the beach at Ramsey. On the reverse 'Jean June / 45'.
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