Browse Items (60 total)

  • Collection: Stachiewicz, Mieczysław

Group of airmen, arranged in five rows. Behind is a large building.


Newspaper cutting, in Polish, describing the activities of a Polish airman in the UK.


Item 1 is a sketch of a red dragon.
Item 2 is a photograph of an airman in an aircraft cockpit.
Item 3 is an airman in a turret of an aircraft.
Item 4 is six airmen, one leaning out of the cockpit and the rest in front of the port engine of a…

A chart of central England used for navigation. It is annotated with navigational fixes. The position of a dinghy is marked with the date 23/6/42.
In the top corner is a photograph of an airman in the cockpit of his aircraft.
There is a yellow post…

Five Polish airmen, photo 1 uncaptioned.
Photo 2 and 3 identified as 'Ppr Roman Lipczyński and Roman Chmiel.
Photo 4 and 5 identified as 'Sgt Piotr Kosin, sgt. Piotr Stroub.'


Photo 1 is a mechanic working on a starboard engine with four men looking on.
Photo 2 is two groundcrew pushing the port main wheel.
Photo 3 is two groundcrew loading a bomb.
Photo 4 is two groundcrew pushing a bomb trolley.

Four photographs of Mieczysław Stachiewicz forced landing of Wellington, Z1273.

Three propaganda leaflets and one photo of a Wellington 'O', Z1337.

An operations crew list for 25th July 1942, 301 Squadron at Hemswell. It includes F/O “Mieczysław Stachiewicz. There are also two photographs of his Wellington, GR-O, Z1259.

Photo 1 is a group of five ground personnel with small bomb containers under a Wellington.
Photo 2 is of four airmen at the nose of a Wellington.

Item 1 is a message in German, partly obscured.
Item 2 is a photograph of an officer at a desk signing a document.
Item 3 is a photograph of a Wellington with Polish markings on the nose. A group of men are underneath.

A sea mine on a trolley with a Polish marked Wellington behind. Three ground crew are at work.

A chart of the Southern North Sea including Germany, Holland and Denmark with routes plotted on.

Photo 1 is an air to air image of a Wellington IV.
Photo 2 is a Wellington landing at night.
Photo 3 is a vertical aerial photograph with two Wellingtons. No detail is visible on the ground due to cloud and anti-aircraft fire.
Photo 4 is a…

A navigational chart of North West France with planned routes marked.
There is also a photograph of a pilot in a Wellington cockpit.

Item 1 is a newspaper cutting about Polish aviators.
Item 2 is a Mess bill for Mieczysław Stachiewicz.
Item 3 and 7 are photographs of ground crew working on a Wellington.
Item 4 is a newspaper cutting about 301 Squadron and Polish…

Photographs and short obituaries of P-1611 Niemczyk Maksymilian and P-1591 Balicki Roman.

The Polish language proposal is for Mieczysław Stachiewicz to receive Poland's highest military award, the Virtuti Militari. It details his 25 operations, including the first 1000 bomber operation, on Cologne. There is also a list of medals awarded…

Item 1 is an annotated chart for an operation to Cologne. There are areas highlighted in red around major cities.
Item 2 is a photograph of a Wellington framed by the entrance to the hangar.
Item 3 is a photograph of Batiuszka Cywiński standing…

A list of 16 aircraft and crew lost between May and November 1942 from 301 Squadron.
Business card for P/O Harry William Bock, Polish Air Force.

Item 1 is a telegram from Poland asking about Mieczysław Stachiewicz and Rabek Jan, describing them as in aviation. There is a handwritten comment in Polish.
Item 2 is a sketch map of an operation to Hamburg. It covers a route across Holland with…

Item 1 is a photograph of two airmen identified as Stanislaw Machej and Maciek Miszewski.
Item 2 is a head and shoulders portrait of Józef Mierzejewski.
Item 3 is a fire damaged Wellington named Zosia and a news clipping.
Item 4 is a cartoon of…

Four postcards of Leicester.
1. Midland Station and London Road.
2. Bradgate Park
3. Leicester, Old Guildhall
4. The Clock Tower.

A newspaper cutting titled, in Polish, the Airman's House in X. There are four photographs of the house and its grounds and a photograph of a woman.

Item 1 is a business card for the Polish Red Cross at Blairgowrie.
Item 2 is a photograph of the Red Cross property in Blairgowrie.
Item 3 is a photograph of Mieczysław Stachiewicz and Roman Chmiel. They are lying on the grass, in uniform.
Item 4…
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