Browse Items (44 total)

  • Collection: Standivan, Arthur George. Album two

Two photographs, one of Arthur attending a large steaming cauldron in an untidy space outside two wooden buildings, captioned 'Doing a bit of washing'. The second has Arthur sitting on his bed, captioned 'Bedtime'.

Card produced by the 2nd Tactical Air Force featuring the national flags and air force ensigns of the allied nations, with the words 'We saw the powers of darkness put to flight we saw the morning break'.

The first item is a list of Peter Lamprey's stations, ranks and dates. Peter Lamprey was a friend of Arthur's and pre-war fellow worker at Waterlow's the printers at Park Royal, London. A special operator with 101 Squadron, he died on 14 January 1944…

Two photographs one of four individuals observing a damaged railway track.
The second a formal recruit course pose in two rows in front of a row of houses, captioned 'Blackpool'.


Three photographs, one showing Arthur standing in front of a structure, the second showing him with other members of the servicing team standing in front of a tent.
The third shows a servicing team standing in front of a Spitfire parked on the…

Three clippings from The Star, the first reviewing a book written by Constance Babington-Smith, Evidence in Camera describing the work done by the Photographic Interpreters.
The second a cartoon.
The third dated October 17th 1957 is a book review…

Four photographs, two air to ground, one showing Amsterdam canals near Rijksmuseum, the other near Muiden showing some flooded areas.
The second page has two photographs the first shows a crowd in a city street in Belgium, the second shows five…

Two air to ground photographs, the first showing the Leidseplein area in Amsterdam with the Hirschgebouw building. Captioned 'Amsterdam'.
The second showing a large building in open country is captioned 'Princess Juleana [Juliana] Palace'.

Two photographs, the page captioned' German'. The first photograph is of a group of Germans, one giving the Nazi salute standing around a newly completed grave in open country with a small building and vehicle in the background. Captioned 'One less'.…

Headline on clipping 'Famouse nude says: Duke helped us to get a flat. Hand written date June 1956.

Eight individuals in the foreground, one holding a small cup, five of them in swimming trunks. Other individuals and water in the background. Caption '6002 S/E win the cup'.


Four photographs, one with Arthur standing alongside a Renault FT-17 tank with German markings, captioned 'One man tank Antwerp'.
The second shows a collapsed bridge in the foreground with industrial buildings in the background.
Third is of…


Two photographs, the first showing a track in a forest with a gate, captioned 'Frontier gate between Holland and Germany'.
The second shows a pontoon bridge across a river, very badly damaged buildings in the background, captioned 'Across the…

Five photographs that show the devastation of vehicles, animals and buildings caused by the air attacks on the German forces attempting to escape through the Falaise Gap. Captioned 'Falaise "Gap" '.


Top left and bottom right are of a boy standing in Marktplatz, Lautenthal.
Bottom left is of three boys standing in Rathausplatz, Lautenthal.
Bottom right shows Arthur with two individuals in Lautenthal village cemetery with the graves of Peter…

Photograph of a piloted V1, although it is captioned as 'V.3.' , a newspaper clipping from the Daily Mirror containing a readers recollection of seeing a piloted V1 at Celle immediately post war.
A second photograph is of damaged German tracked…

A number of bodies, one naked, the others covered by blankets. Captioned 'Victims of Belsen, who died later, 35 were dying each day'.


Two photographs of eight men, some in remnants of German military uniform, standing in a row, wall of building in the background, the reverse of one photograph has 'Cellie' handwritten.


Two pages, the first has two photographs, one with three individuals, one with four show some of the female Belsen guards and supervisors. One is marked with a cross, captioned 'Irma Grese, (hanged)'.
The second page has three other female guards…


Two individuals dressed in Belsen prisoners uniform of stripes behind wire, buildings in background. On reverse handwritten 'Belson'.


15 young chidren, three older boys, some of the young ones have bunches of flowers. Two adults one RAF the other a female in uniform. They are standing in a playground buildings in the background.
On the reverse, handwritten 'Belsen'.

To male individuals one wearing a beret, standing behind the barbed wire, a rough sign Typhus attached to fence post, buildings in the background. On the reverse, handwritten 'Belsen'.


Three women are sitting on window sills looking out, two outside, behind the wire. On the reverse handwritten 'Belsen'.


Three photographs, the first page has two photographs of a line of male guards, walking on a path around a space watched by a crowd of British servicemen, building in the background. Captioned 'Kramer The Beast of Belsen' added later…


Three photographs, two showing three females sitting on window sills looking out, the second two on the grass, all dressed in striped uniforms. The third photograph is of a wide street, lined with three storey buildings and trees. A wire fence runs…


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