Browse Items (56 total)

  • Collection: Jenkinson, Peter and Leslie. Philip Jenkinson

Instructions about sending food parcels. How, food, what could be sent, costs, donations, addressing. Concludes with reasons why parcels not addressed to individual prisoners.

List of food items. Gives account of how distributed, donations gratefully received, but parcels are provided for all prisoners whether contributions sent or not.

Expresses regret that his son was reported as missing in action as result of operations 6/7 September 1943 to Munich.

First informs that name of her son W/O L P Jenkinson was included on a list of prisoners of war who were liberated by the allies. Second states repatriated as soon as possible, last 'leave Birmingham 1.29 today' signed Philip.

Invitation to Buckingham Palace to receive Distinguished Flying Medal awarded to his brother Peter.

Notes that fund was to be shared between 147 people who served with H M forces. Encloses cheque for £4.0.0 for addressee share.

From Stalag 357. Mentions upcoming repatriation and would telegram when home. Mentions arrival of cigarettes, sweets and other items as well as a travelling cinema. Writes about Germans leaving behind various types of transport which was used buy…

Mentions operation to Mannheim ad asks her to send him some gloves.

Writes that he went to Milan on previous night and had to divert to station in south of England. Says he would be there for a few days until aircraft ready to go back.


Recounts details of operation and being attacked by Me 109s which were driven off and then by a Ju 88 which set them on fire. Bombs jettisoned and he baled out. Continues with account of evading and attempt to reach Switzerland. Describes capture and…

Gives itinerary of journey from being shot down, captured, and various prisoner of war camps (Dulag Luft, Stalag Luft 6, Stalag 357 and 355) and eventual repatriation.

Informs them that their son failed to return from operations.

Swastika with red cross in the centre. Annotated 'Copy of a drawing done by Philip Jenkinson whilst a prisoner of war, depicting the red cross getting through the Nazi swastika. Looking back now over 50 years it shows the high regard we, as prisoners…

Describes early life, joining the RAF, training and joining 10 Squadron as mid-upper gunner on Halifax. Was shot down during operation to Munich on 6/7 September 1943. After evading was capture and prisoner of war until April 1945. Goes on with…

Describes early life, joining the RAF, training and joining 10 Squadron as mid-upper gunner on Halifax. Was shot down during operation to Munich on 6/7 September 1943. After evading was capture and prisoner of war until April 1945. Goes…

Full length image of a man wearing Sidcot flying suit, gloves and boots standing in snow with a wooden hut in the background. On the reverse 'Philp in Canada, training during the last war'.

Full length image of a woman wearing jacket and skirt holding containers with trees and foliage in the background. On the reverse 'Isabel Jenkinson going blackberrying c 1941'.


Full length image of an airman wearing greatcoat with cadet side cap standing in snow with wooden hut in the background. On the reverse 'Cadet Philip Jenkinson, Canada 1943'.


Wreckage spread across a field with a man and a woman in white coat looking on on the left. Beyond a low hill with trees on the crest.


Aircraft wreckage still smoking spread across a field with trees in the background.


In the foreground two uniformed officials are talking in front of a trailer piled with wreckage. A man stands on top of the trailer and another is working at its rear. Further wreckage on the ground to rear in front of trailer.


Oblique aerial photograph of countryside with forest in bottom half and centre right. Fields and buildings in gap between forests and a village upper right.

Oblique aerial photograph. In the centre houses with a line of trees running bottom right curving to bottom left with fields around. At the top and bottom forests. Taken from light aircraft.
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