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  • Collection: Wareing, Robert

Edwin thanks Mrs Wareing for her recent letter and writes of losses to his family. He also encloses a photograph of his late brother.

He sends his sympathy to Mrs Wareing on her husband’s capture. He mentions that his brother was the wireless operator in her husbands crew and was killed in action. He would appreciate if anything her husband could tell them about his brother was…

The author writes expressing her delight at the good news she has received from the recipient. She further mentions two women with RAF connections and family missing in action or prisoners of war who the recipient might visit.

Writes that she heard on the German news information regarding Mrs Wareing’s husband Bob and that he can be contacted at prisoner of war camp Stalag Luft 1.

Writes that her son was a member of Robert Wareing's crew. She is pleased that Robert is recovering, but has had no further news of her son Bertie Campbell, who is missing. They did not know he was flying until he was reported missing - he took his…

Passes on contents of telegram from her husband Robert that he had recovered from burns and she could write to him at Stalag Luft 1.

Rev. E Goldthorpe and his wife, express their delight that Joan has heard that Bob is alive and passes on other news of friends and acquaintances.

From officer commanding 582 Squadron, informing her that her husband has failed to return from an operation over enemy territory on the night of 7/8 August 1944. Mentions that he was captain of experienced crew and comments on character. No further…

Writes notifying her that the Red Cross regularly sends Invalid Foods and Medicines to all POW Camps and Hospitals where there are British prisoners of war, However, if she was anxious about her husband a report could be obtained from his Senior…

Writes to Joan sending her sympathy on the news that Bob is missing.

Letter of sympathy for her missing husband and mentions worries over conditions encountered by soldiers in Normandy.

Letter of sympathy and mentions his son is in Normandy and letters not coming through from France. Passes on local news.

Delighted by news that her husband is safe. Catches up with news.

Tells her how he gave a lift to an airman who knew her husband. The airman said nice things about her husband.

An accompanying letter from Flight Lieutenant W Hamley regarding the enclosed certificate. The certificate is for appreciation for Flight Lieutenant R Wareing DFC for services while serving between 14th December, 1954 and 13th December, 1958 in the…

It begins by thanking Mrs Wareing for her letter. Goes on to mention getting a letter from Flight Lieutenant Hill telling the true story but she was sad about news of her Lou. She was glad that two got back safely and was sorry to hear of the…

Tells her that she is glad she has had news of Bob and that she knows how she must be feeling. Mentions being thrilled as she knew Bob well as he was best man at her wedding.

Sorry that they missed her and she should call in if passing. Sorry to hear the bad news and hopes for better soon.

Letter written by Elizabeth McDowell of Aimimage Productions, thanking Robert Wareing for the loan of photographs and telling him when Nightfighters is to be shown on the Discovery Channel.

Enclosed is a photograph of four aircrew behind a…

Writes that in case she had not heard that there was a message for her from 86325 R Wareing over the German radio - am well recovering from burns - write Stalag Luft 1.

Informs her that her husband was missing as a result of air operations night 7/8 August 1944.

A letter and inventory of the personal effects of Acting Squadron Leader Wareing.

Writes enquiring if her husband had got safely back home as she had heard that he had returned to England with some other boys. She felt sure that he would remember her as she was with him when he was taken prisoner.

He writes that he has just been repatriated from Germany where he was in the same camp as her husband. He reports that her husband is well and he has put on some weight and the burns on his hands have now healed. He also reports that one of her…

Writes in response to her letter. He thanks her for her letter and hopes she is continuing to receive news of her husband but not to worry if the post is erratic or stops as this may happen before Germany’s collapse. He also advises her that he is…
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