Browse Items (195 total)

  • Collection: Baker, Donald Arthur

Letter from people in Paignton that Donald visited when stationed in local area. Recounts that he payed a surprise visit and subsequently they received a card saying the he had 'arrived in Germany'. He had asked them to write which they intended to…

Says card from Donald Baker well and happy. Address P/O Donald Arthur Baker RAF Dulag Luft, Germany.

Christmas post card from Stalag Luft 1. Drawing of prisoner of war / Father Christmas on a Red Cross box.

Writes that he is OK and in camp and well treated. Says Red Cross do them well and asks her to send cigarettes. Mentions friend who is OK.

Writes he is OK and asked that he persuade mother and father that he was OK despite shock when he was reported missing. Says he misses freedom and worried that time would hang, but in fact he had plenty to do. Hopes he would see them all in England…

Second letter. Says not much to write about but does a lot of reading and a bit of cooking. Mentions concerts and playing rugby. Writes of concerts, possibly beer and extra Red Cross parcels for Christmas. Mentions friend in camp and that he is…

First letter as prisoner of war. Says he is well and that he would number letters. Suggests she should make sure from Red Cross what she might send him. Asks for photographs with letters. Requests: towels, soap and toothbrushes in first parcel and…

Confirmation from International Red Cross society that son Pilot Officer Donald Arthur Baker was a prisoner of war in Germany. Notes his uncle has been informed.

Letter from Air Ministry confirming information had been received from the International Red Cross that his son, Pilot Officer Donald Baker was a prisoner of war. They do not have information on which camp he was in.

Expresses regret that his son Pilot Officer Donald Arthur Baker was missing as a result of air operations on 5 November 1941. Only information available was that he was captain of a Hampden which set out to bomb the enemy and failed to return. Does…

Information received 18 November 1941 that German wireless mentioned that Pilot Officer Donald Arthur Baker is a prisoner of war. Treat with reserve pending official confirmation.

Telegram to Donald Bakers parents that their son Pilot Officer Donald Arthur Baker had been mentioned in a German broadcast on 15 november 1941 as being a prisoner of war. Information should be treated with reserve pending official confirmation.

Reports that son Pilot Officer D A Baker was missing as a result of air operations. Mentions he was captain of aircraft detailed to attack shipping but cause of failure to return was not known. Provides hopeful information for future, mentions that…

Telegram from Air Ministry informing parents that their son Pilot Office Donald Baker is reported missing as result of air operations on 5 Nov 1941.

Fifty six men wearing tunic and side caps sitting and standing in three rows. In the background hangar doors. On the reverse 'P/O Baker'.


Writes that he is now on an operational squadron and mentions leave after finishing operational training. Unfortunate that he had not been posted to a Rhodesian squadron but had asked to be transferred. Writes that he had only done one bombing…


Addressed to his mother in Southern Rhodesia.

Writes that he is keeping well and thanks her for letter and news from home. Mentions friend who is on next course after him. Bad weather had delayed his leave and going on operations. Mentions plans for leave and that he would be pleased to get away…


Few lines to let her know he is OK. Still near Oxford but should be finished soon. Should get leave before reporting to new station. Writes that he had been crewed up and describes crew as one Rhodesian, an Australian observer, a wireless operator…

Writes that he is still doing operational training on the Hampden which he describes as safe. Mentions visiting Bicester which is closer that Oxford but has two picture houses. Writes of different terminology between English and Rhodesians. Mentions…

Writes that there is not much to do in local area but this was just as well as they were very busy and had no spare cash anyway. Mentions pay only at end of month and dangers of mess bills. Writes that he will be going on to bombers, probably…

Writes that he is now at new station (Upper Heyford) and recounts recent activities. Says he now a pilot officer and describes recent leave in London and Somerset as well as catching up with family news. Goes on to describe leave in Scotland and…

Thanks her for letters and acknowledges receipt of their cable and photographs. Catches up with news of family/friends. Says he will cable every two weeks to let them know he is OK. Mentions wings and commissioning had been granted but does not wear…

Writes of letters received and thanks her for hers. Had not written previous week as nothing had happened. Had flown a lot lately and mentions first solo cross country including experiences and route as well as having to land to refuel. Says he has…


Forty-nine airmen wearing tunic and side caps, sitting and standing in four rows. In the background a brick building with two windows. On the reverse 'P/O Baker, Cranfield, FTC, Advanced Flying Training Unit, flying Oxford trainers'.
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