Letter from Donald Baker to his mother
Letter from Donald Baker to his mother
Thanks her for letters and acknowledges receipt of their cable and photographs. Catches up with news of family/friends. Says he will cable every two weeks to let them know he is OK. Mentions wings and commissioning had been granted but does not wear uniform yet. Says he need some more money and will shortly be posted to an Operational Training Unit. Concludes saying he will send photographs and comments on the poor weather.
Temporal Coverage
Three page handwritten letter
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c/o Rhodesia House, 429 Strand, London
Tuesday June 17th 1941.
My Dearest Mother,
I was very pleased to receive your letter of [deleted] the [/deleted] May 9th and also to receive the two snaps. Am sorry to hear that you had all been laid up but do hope that when you receive this you will all be in the best of health.
Yes I received your cables on the 28th April and have also received the snaps of Harrys wedding and also a few of yourselves and Gwyneth around the house. Have not received any parcels from you for ages although you mentioned sending a few. However I expect that they will pitch up eventually. Had a parcel of comforts from Rhodesia House – fags biscuits etc – last week.
Yes I expect Windy will fancy himself in the Recce. Unit as it seems to have captured the headlines in the
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Rhodesian papers. Isn’t Mrs Durward always trying to get him [inserted] home [/inserted] for weekends etc like she carried on at school.
I am cabling every two weeks from now on or at least have been doing so for the last 6 weeks to let you know that I am O.K. Last Friday I cabled for some money saying that my wings and commission had been granted. Well I dont [sic] actually wear the new uniform until a week from now when we are finished with Cranfield and go on leave until being posted to an Operational [inserted] Training [/inserted] Unit but I needed some more money to cover the cost of the new uniform as the R.A.F. grant was not sufficient and also I would like to have [deleted] sufficie [/deleted] some spare cash when I go on leave which all being well I shall spend in Glasgow this time.
Will send you snaps of myself in the new outfit when I can. It is very smart and is all
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tailor made hence the expence. [sic]
Until the last 2 or 3 days the weather here has been absolutely awful what with rain fog and mist etc which is very surprising for June – so they say. However it has been marvellous yesterday and today – nice & warm but of course the English fellows are all moaning about the heat. Last night was lovely and it was my turn for night flying which I had been off for about 6 weeks. However as it was such a clear night I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I told you before that I had received the parcel from Barkers for which many thanks.
Well dear Mother must close now with much love to you all from your loving son
Tuesday June 17th 1941.
My Dearest Mother,
I was very pleased to receive your letter of [deleted] the [/deleted] May 9th and also to receive the two snaps. Am sorry to hear that you had all been laid up but do hope that when you receive this you will all be in the best of health.
Yes I received your cables on the 28th April and have also received the snaps of Harrys wedding and also a few of yourselves and Gwyneth around the house. Have not received any parcels from you for ages although you mentioned sending a few. However I expect that they will pitch up eventually. Had a parcel of comforts from Rhodesia House – fags biscuits etc – last week.
Yes I expect Windy will fancy himself in the Recce. Unit as it seems to have captured the headlines in the
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Rhodesian papers. Isn’t Mrs Durward always trying to get him [inserted] home [/inserted] for weekends etc like she carried on at school.
I am cabling every two weeks from now on or at least have been doing so for the last 6 weeks to let you know that I am O.K. Last Friday I cabled for some money saying that my wings and commission had been granted. Well I dont [sic] actually wear the new uniform until a week from now when we are finished with Cranfield and go on leave until being posted to an Operational [inserted] Training [/inserted] Unit but I needed some more money to cover the cost of the new uniform as the R.A.F. grant was not sufficient and also I would like to have [deleted] sufficie [/deleted] some spare cash when I go on leave which all being well I shall spend in Glasgow this time.
Will send you snaps of myself in the new outfit when I can. It is very smart and is all
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tailor made hence the expence. [sic]
Until the last 2 or 3 days the weather here has been absolutely awful what with rain fog and mist etc which is very surprising for June – so they say. However it has been marvellous yesterday and today – nice & warm but of course the English fellows are all moaning about the heat. Last night was lovely and it was my turn for night flying which I had been off for about 6 weeks. However as it was such a clear night I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I told you before that I had received the parcel from Barkers for which many thanks.
Well dear Mother must close now with much love to you all from your loving son
D A Baker, “Letter from Donald Baker to his mother,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 12, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/25580.
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